Feature request


I wonder whether it would be possible to slightly expand the functionality for selecting characters. This is only a small change but as I use this functionality all the time into would actually be quite helpful to me. It may be that this functionality already exists, in which case I apologise

Say that you have selected 你好 in the document reader. If you want to select only 你, you can tap the "left with a bar" arrow. However, if you want to select only 好 using the arrow keys you need to tap the "left with a bar" arrow" and then the "right without a bar" arrow, as tapping the "right with a bar" arrow expands the selection to the right.

If it were possible to add a way of selecting only the right hand character of a two character selection with only one tap, that would be useful to me - I actually want to do this much more often than I want to expand the selection to the right of a two character selection.


Staff member
Bit more of an ergonomic challenge there, 5 buttons on a small iPhone screen are fine for careful tapping but not so fine for rapid / repeated tapping. And I'm skeptical that a tap-hold or some other such gesture is an improvement over what we offer now.