J'ai peut etre deux mains gauches ?


This is a cut and paste from one palm memo of characters I can't have recognized by plecodict character recognization :

Sheng1 É?? : voice
mi1 ÃÐ :take a nap (eye + rice)
mie4 Ãð : destroy, wipe out (fire under a line)
lai2 ¼Ð : to come
jian3 ¼û : to see
qian2 Ç® : money
tang1 ÌÀ : hot water
tou2 Í?? : head

all those characters are recognised 1st time with penpower or the oxford C-E. So It seems that I dont have 2 left hands... givei it a try.

Seems like a bug or something.

Good luck
I tried out some of those characters and I had no problem.

However, if I switch between the full screen character drawing mode and the box mode I do get a bug. If I draw full screen then go to the box, what I have drawn full screen remains there, even if I press on clear.


Staff member
I'm not seeing any problems with these - is there any chance that you might be trying to write traditional characters with the recognizer set to simplified mode (or vice versa)? I ask this because these are all characters with different simplified and traditional character versions. The actual recognition algorithm is identical to the one in Oxford E&C, as is the character/stroke database, so I can't really think of a reason why these would work correctly in that program and not in PlecoDict unless it was something configuration-related.

And thanks for the note about that other bug, another glitch to add to our long list of them.