Repetition Spacing


I just bought Plecodict, and it's great. I"ve got a few questions about the repetition spacing program. Can anyone explain how the Spacing, and the Frequency options work. Also anyone who's had success with this feature, could they share what settings they used for spacing and frequency?


optimal repetition spacing

Dear Hdejarne,

I think that you can use repetition spacing or frequency, but not both. I've never played with frequency. I use repetition spacing. Basically, the cards start at Rank 1. If you get it right, it moves to a higher Rank. I set the repetition spacing so that I see the higher Ranks at longer and longer time intervals. The assumption is that the higher the Rank, the longer I can go without needing to refresh it in my brain.

Here is something that I posted earlier:

My rank settings are:
Rank 1 0 days
Rank 2 1 day
Rank 3 3 days
Rank 4 6 days
Rank 5 10 days
Rank 6 15 days
Rank 7 25 days
Rank 8 60 days
Rank 9 180 days

The Rank 1 setting of 0 days means that all the rank 1 cards come up today. So if I miss the card, it still comes up today until I get it right.

My memory is not as good as some, so if you have a young, quick memory, you could probably use longer spacings.

Also, on the same page, I set the "limit ranks" to 9.

On the Rank Settings page, I set the settings so that the card advances to the next Rank if I get it right once (this way the cards that I know move up the Ranks quickly); and if I get a card wrong, I set it to retreat by 8 Ranks so that it goes back to Rank 1 and I start over again.

This works well for me. I do several hundred cards each day.



Dear Hdejarne,

I have thousands upon thousands of flashcards, many of them repeats.

I use the PCR1, 2 and 3 from the flashcards lists on the Pleco website. I use HSK1,2 and 3 from the same place. I have HSK4 but I haven't started using it yet. I input the works from every textbook that I use, including Conversational Chinese 301 (Hanyu huihua 301 ju) and Speak Chinese (shuo Hanyu) from the summer courses at BLCU, A New Text for a Modern China from Cheng &Tsui that we used at UCLA, and the New Practical Chinese Reader 4 and 5.

I also add words whenever I look up a word in the dictionary.
