果/典 and its discontents


Staff member
We're doing a couple of final design tweaks on the iPhone version, and there's a particular issue I wanted to see if I could get a few opinions on.

The ability to switch between displaying a list of search results and a list of all of the entries in the dictionary has been part of our software for almost its entire existence, but we never seem to get much feedback about it - it's not something that people discuss in suggestion e-mails / product reviews / etc, nor has anyone written us to complain about how you're always taken back to the first result when you switch from 典 back to 果 (which we're nonetheless fixing in the next update).

However, since iPhones don't have persistent list selections (all you can to do is tap on a list to do something to an item in that list), there's not really a natural mechanism by which you can select a search result and jump to its location in the dictionary. We've come up with a couple of alternative methods: the leading idea at the moment keeps that button but simply goes to the dictionary location for whatever entry you looked at last (or the first one in the results after a new search), but we've also experimented with tapping on that button and then tapping on a dictionary entry, or with adding a button next to every entry in the list (a mechanism we can then use for other entry-specific functions too).

But before we actually ship the product with any of these (and hence are pretty much committed to continuing to offer 果/典 in our future iPhone releases) I thought I'd at least double-check to see if anyone actually uses that function, and what they use it for - finding related words with the same starting character, searching for a single character and then quickly jumping to all of the entries that start with it (we'd turn off the "1-char results for..." option by default if we removed 果/典), randomly scrolling through the dictionary, or something else we haven't even thought of?


--Michael Love


Hi Mike,
Just thought I'd respond to this post. I won't be using an iphone but I find the 果 典 a useful tool to quickly search for double syllable words, especially if input is by pinyin. Only need to find the first character and then the first letter of the second and you narrow down your field. Took a while for me to discover but use it a lot.



Hi Mike,

I also use the 果/典 feature quite a lot, certainly a few times a day. It's very useful (and works well in it's current '1-click' form) for when I'm looking up a character to see what other words use this character as well as for quickly doing a look up on the starting character without entering the rest of the pinyin.

However, I don't use an iPhone, so as long as you keep the function in the Windows Mobile version, I'll be happy.

Regarding the little bug where it returns to the first entry...I thought there was something a bit odd about this, but I had only vaguely noticed it as I usually am changing the setting in the other direction.



I use 果/典 a lot as well. I'm glad to hear that the an update will make the current single character sticky when switching between dictionaries! (It always annoyed me, but I'd keep forgetting about it by the time I got to the computer). :)


Staff member
OK, thanks for the feedback! I'm leaning towards the button-for-every-entry option, since there is a lot of other cool stuff we can eventually do with that (say, pop up a menu so you don't actually need to go into a detailed result page to play the audio for an entry or add it to flashcards or bring up Char Info).