3.2.0 Bug Report / Feedback Thread

Sorry Mike. I meant:
When opening a popup, the video pauses.
When closing the popup (pressing play, or clicking an area of the screen outside the popup), the audio resumes but a few seconds before the second where you stopped it.

A little like what what YouTube does (correct me if I'm wrong.. ).




No idea about this one - would you mind emailing me a backup of your flashcard database? (and also letting me know what model of iPhone + version of iOS you're using) Thanks.

Hey sorry just got back from Seda. Will email you now! Still happening.
getting korean again here - char should be '(U+2B689)' [can't display here either] (鱼+工 "simplified" version of 魟)


Hi Mike,

could the dictionary WORDS tab be sped up by displaying fewer words, or does the frequency sorting require Pleco to check all the words first?

Thanks, Shun


Staff member
Requires us to check all of the words first - much of the delay comes from sorting through the results from each dictionary to see which ones are identical + should be joined into a single result, so you can make it faster if you disable some dictionaries from "use in compounds" in Manage Dicts.


some ideas, not sure how useful they are:
- grammar pattern dictionary, which also works in reader, like you tap on 如果 and then 的話 is highlighted and you can see the meaning of the pattern, sometimes that could be helpful to understand a sentence. I also see some potential for fill-in-blanks but that would only work with many example sentences
- flashcards in reader: not only add new cards but also manually mark existing cards as forgotten if you have to look them up
- Editing flashcards during a session could be a little more convenient. Personally I wouldn't mind if the "Edit card text" screen would appear directly at the top of the "Card info" screen, or maybe add a direct way from the "triangle menu" (toggle, score, info, edit)


Staff member
Thanks - first two have been brought up before, actually, grammar patterns we'd love to do but need to come up with the right data first and integration of the learning process into the document reader is definitely a priority too.

Flashcard UI really just needs some more customization support, I think - too much of that can be a bad thing but for as heavily-used and performance-sensitive an interface as that we actually do need the flexibility (and all of our major competitors seem to offer more UI options than we do).
On iOS9.01 with the latest version of Pleco on an iPad Air 1 with landscape layout: the magnifying glass acts like in portrait layout.


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