魁 (kui) signifigance to Confucian thhought?


I was at a Confucian temple recently and the charachter 魁 (kui) was everywhere. People were even paying RMB 300 to have priests burn specially marked kui sticks of incense for them.
In all the dictionaries I ahve checked, including pleco, kui just comes up as head, or chief. I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on its actual signifigance in Confucian thought.


I think what you witnessed was a ceremony to worship or honour the 魁星 god so named because one of the 4 stars of the big dipper is the kui 魁 star, a symbol of the god. This ceremony is supposed to be conducted during the 7th day of the 7th lunar month so witnessing this at this time of the year (August) is not surprising. Kui Star god is suppose to be the God of academic studies or academic performance , second only to Confucius who also very much represented education and learning. Sacrifices to such a god would probably improve one's chances in the exams. This ritual is very popular amongst the eastern min (闽) speaking people, which I would guess is equivalent of the Fujian province of today's China because the min dialect is spoken very much here and Taiwan.

Below is an excerpt I got after googgling :
 農歷七月初七,俗又稱“魁星生日”。“魁星”系北斗一星宿名。民間謂“魁星主 文事”。閩東一帶讀書人崇敬魁星,僅次于孔子,于“七夕”更有“拜魁星”之俗。“拜魁星”儀式亦在月光下舉行,和上述拜織女相類似,所以,在閩東一帶村庄里居民,若是一家人丁旺盛寬敞的屋子,“七夕”這晚,天井里往往擺上“拜織女”、“拜魁星”二張香案,仕女聚會一堂,又被分為兩個面面相對不同性別的小天地,非常熱鬧有趣。
