Any plans for the Chinese language UI?


I'm sure you'd be able to win over quite a few customers by adding a Chinese UI. Pretty much any young Chinese is interested in learning English, one way or another, but most of them have to struggle with some makeshift shady apps that use pirated content. My girlfriend would love to use Pleco, but the complex English UI unfortunately turns her off.


Staff member
I'm sure you'd be able to win over quite a few customers by adding a Chinese UI. Pretty much any young Chinese is interested in learning English, one way or another, but most of them have to struggle with some makeshift shady apps that use pirated content. My girlfriend would love to use Pleco, but the complex English UI unfortunately turns her off.

Probably after our next big UI revamp - much of the UI remains a moving target at the moment and we don't want to spend a bunch of money / time localizing something only to immediately discard it.


Staff member
To be honest I think the main interest from China will be in high-quality standalone versions of specific C-C dictionaries that they've already heard of - Guifan, e.g. We're really not optimized that well around Chinese speakers learning English, but Chinese speakers looking for more information on words in their own language can get a lot of value from some of our product's features.


I know I see a lot of interest in it form students here in Guangzhou. Some times they ask "how did you learn to speak Chinese so well in just one year?" I show them Pleco and they always ask if it can help them learn English. They especially like the OCR function and wish they could use it for English words.