audio recording corpus


Hey Mike,

I'm a big user of vocab lists and I'm about 1.5 months away from finishing the HSK4 list.

Recently I've been studying some colloquial stuff and have found that not only are a good number of colloquialisms covered in the dictionaries but they also have audio.

This leads me to wonder how you compiled your list for Pleco's audio recordings and if that list is available for Pleco users to download. I am interested in using it to get a "most common words beyond HSK" list, especially including colloquialisms, without having to do a bunch of data entry from books etc.

Hopefully this hasn't been discussed elsewhere. Thanks!


Staff member
We based it mainly on entries scheduled to be part of the forthcoming pocket / bidirectional edition of the ABC dictionary, a list which itself seems to have been designed as a superset of the words in the Oxford Concise dictionary. So it wasn't assembled by some rigorous frequency-sorting process but rather as an attempt to match up well with what at the time were our two biggest-selling dictionaries. (in hindsight we probably should have downplayed the Oxford element in this, but we didn't anticipate that that relationship would get so frosty)

But I'm a little wary of releasing the full list in plaintext since it's based on those two copyrighted dictionaries; it would among other things make it considerably easier to export the full text of a large portion of the ABC dictionary in flashcards if and when we allow the inclusion of ABC definitions in exports. Also, I'm not sure how useful it is for study purposes anyway, since there are a number of not-very-common words that Oxford seems to have decided years ago to include in their corpus - you'd end up studying a bunch of words that are almost never seen nowadays.