Dictionaries that clearly state Taiwan's mandarin style


I posted this over in a different unrelated forum, but here is my dilemma. My friends say that the words that I am learning are often like mainland China's way of saying things. In Taiwan I'd like to learn Taiwan's variant of mandarin (let's put aside the political issues for now). The thing is, when I look in Pleco, I can only memorize what the dictionary says. How do you guys learn the Taiwanese variant of Mandarin? It's really frustrating b/c I will say something and they will understand, but then they will say "but in Taiwan we say "this"". Maybe it's like an American saying I'm going to the Loo; we'd understand, but we say bathroom or something like that.

It's to the point that when I look something up in Pleco, I put an asterisk by it in my head b/c I have little confidence that this is the way that the Taiwanese would say it.

Far-East pinyin dictionary is the only one where I could use with confidence, but it's not electronic. The Besta dictionaries are pretty trustworthy, but they're clearly geared for a native Taiwanese Mandarin speaker. Pleco is great but if only it would give Taiwan's variants more clearly.

Any suggestions?


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pufftissue said:
Far-East pinyin dictionary is the only one where I could use with confidence, but it's not electronic. The Besta dictionaries are pretty trustworthy, but they're clearly geared for a native Taiwanese Mandarin speaker. Pleco is great but if only it would give Taiwan's variants more clearly.

If someone pointed us to a Taiwan-friendly dictionary we could actually license we'd be glad to do so - Far East have been thoroughly dismissive every time we've tried to contact them about a license (and we've tried numerous times), and obviously Besta's not going to license us anything since we're competitors, so there just isn't much out there.


Far East is the best by a long shot in my experience. Lanbridge 文橋出版社 also has some decent dictionaries. I was not able to find their website with a quick look on the internet but I believe this is their contact information:
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How about the "Modern Chinese Cross-Strait Dictionary" from TLI? Someone recommended that to me just yesterday - Far East as I said has not been very promising for us.