Experimental Beta 7(c) Released

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Staff member
If all goes well with this, the next release should be a Release Candidate:


New versions of PlecoMover/PlecoConverter are included along with the updated application files; modification dates and a percentage progress counter were added to the former while another XML-encoding-violation bug fix is included in the latter. To install the updated applications, simply replace the files with the same names.

There are also updated versions of the two "core" audio files in here; we didn't actually update the audio parts of them at all, we just updated the index (which is also included in those same files) to mark audio recordings that are supposed to have a "bu" or "yi" character in the top (so that it won't end up giving you a recording with the wrong sandhi tones for words with the same pinyin but a different start character). So just install these files in place of the old ones and you can leave your other audio files as-is.

Along with fixing that bug, this release should take care of pretty much every other bug that's been reported here (at least all of the ones we've managed to reproduce), along with a bunch of as-yet unreported bugs.

A warning: in the interests of clarifying / streamlining the user interface we've moved around and relabeled a number of controls, so double-check which button you're tapping - I've already accidentally started a session when I wanted to exit the New Session screen about half a dozen times. Also, the "experimental" note above is serious - there are probably at least a few new bugs in this release since b7b on account of all the little changes we've made, so while hopefully we've fixed several times more bugs than we've created, if you're not very computer-savvy / patient you might want to wait a few days before installing this.

We made some tweaks to the document reader code to (finally) keep it from scrolling past the end of documents, but we're a little unsure about those, so please let us know if you run into any new stability/performance issues with the reader - we can easily roll back those changes and save them for a post-2.0 release.

Two interesting WM-specific changes; we've now added separate icons for WM devices with 320x320 displays, so they'll no longer be using the unusually-large ones they were before, and we tweaked the font anti-aliasing system to improve the display of Chinese characters; basically we realized that the "Mac Gray" anti-aliasing algorithm did a better job with Chinese while "Win Gray" worked better for everything else, so we added a new just plain "Gray" (the software will automatically switch you over to that if you were on Win Gray before) which uses one algorithm for Chinese and another algorithm for everything else; on low-resolution devices it makes a pretty big difference in sharpness / readability for characters large enough to be anti-aliased.
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