Flashcard Database


Hi Mike,

I have a couple of problems with my flashcard db which I want to sort out.

The first one is due to when I first got my palm and pleco - there was one time it crashed and the date got reset, but I didn't realise, so a whole load of flashcards got put in with the year 05 when it should have been 07. Not a major issue but it makes my stats watered down.

The second one is a bit of a bad habit - on occasions when I have not been able to complete the daily flashcards I roll the date back on the palm. Anyway over the course of 2 years I have lost 56 days. I don't use the palm for anything other than pleco, but in anticipation of moving to iphone which I will definitely want to use to for other things aswell, I need to correct this.

From what I can see it looks pretty straighforward to correct using SQLite Database Browser
I just wanted to double check if there is anything else I should be careful about?


-- add 2 years to cards first reviewed before '05
update pleco_flash_scores_1
set firstreviewedtime = firstreviewedtime + 63072000
where firstreviewedtime < 1149940505


-- roll last mod date forward by 56 days (1 Unix day = 86400)
update pleco_flash_scores_1
set lastreviewedtime = lastreviewedtime + 4838400

update pleco_flash_scores_1
set scoreinctime = scoreinctime + 4838400
where scoreinctime > 0

update pleco_flash_scores_1
set scoredectime = scoredectime + 4838400
where scoredectime > 0



Staff member
That looks OK - I wouldn't recommend doing this regularly, since in the future we may factor in review times more aggressively into other parts of the algorithm, but for right now at least it shouldn't really hurt anything.