Flashcard Score Resets Itself To 100

I have the following flashcard profile:
Profile: Weighted
Test type: Self-graded
Test Settings:
Subject selection: Score Based
Configure Score Subjects:
Initial: Show Headword
If Scored <= 200 Show Headword
If Scored <= 400 Show Headword
If Scored <= 800 Show Pron + Defn
Score Button Action: increase
Amount: 100
Unit: Points
Scoring system: Automatic
Prompt for quality: On
Tweak Parameters:
Incorrect score decrease%
Quality 1: 0
Quality 2: 0
Quality 3: 0
Minimum score: 100
Maximum score: 10000
When I have a flashcard get a score of 800 or more, it shows me the Pronunciation and Definition, which is great. If I mark my answer as correct, the score goes up. However, if I mark my answer as incorrect, it resets my flashcard score to 100. It resets it to 100 no matter what quality I pick (1-3).

Up until my flashcards get a score of 800+, the score never goes down for an incorrect answer. This only happens once my cards have a score over 800 and it starts showing me Pron+Defn.

Is this a bug?

Here are a few screenshots showing what happens.





Staff member
I'm glad to see more people using the score-based subject selection option - that's one that almost didn't make it over from Palm/WM. (and still something we need to do a much better job of explaining / advertising to people)

Anyway, the reset from 800 to 100 is actually normal - answer quality in that case only affects the card's "easiness factor" -> how fast its score will increase once you start remembering it correctly again. Though you can make it affect the score too if you set the incorrect score decrease % under "Tweak Parameters" to something other than the default 0 (0 -> always reset to minimum score, since anything times 0 = 0); 0 / 25/ 50 might be reasonable settings for quality 1/2/3, so you'd drop from 800 to 200 for quality 2 or 400 for quality 3.

I'm not sure why the score isn't going down for an incorrect answer before it hits 800, though - what would the card's score typically be before then? What might your quality ratings have been for its first two correct answers? How are the other options on "Tweak Parameters" configured?
Thanks for the response. It works how I want it to now. I just changed "Incorrect score decrease %" from 0 to 100 for (1-3). Now the scores don't drop for a wrong answer even after 800. I'm not sure why they didn't drop before 800, though.

For others reading this thread, here is where you change this setting:

Scoring --> Tweak Parameters...

(Score x 0% = Drops to Minimum Score)

(Score x 100% = Unchanged Score)
Mike -- For trying to figure out why the score never decreased before 800, even with "Incorrect score decrease % = 0", here are my "Tweak Parameters" settings.






Staff member
Great! Thanks for the screenshots - nothing in there looks too suspicious, but maybe there's some aspect of this I'm not thinking of - your card selection system is definitely "Frequency-adjusted" and not "Repetition-spaced," right? (it would be the former by default with the "Weighted" profile)
I'm using Frequency Adjusted - but if you can't replicate what I was experiencing up until 800, I wouldn't worry about it unless others experience it, too. Thanks for your help.