flashcards profiles for dummies


Hello, I'm quite new to Pleco and still don't get the differencies between the different flashcard profiles. Could someone explain me, how they work exactly? And: In the weighted profile, I should choose 6, 5 or 4 whenever an answer was correct, or 3, 2 or 1, when it was wrong... What does that mean? :? :?
Thanks in advance for any help! laley


Staff member
A profile basically incorporates two things:

1) A particular set of test settings (so that you can easily switch between test settings without having to through and reconfigure them every time).
2) Optionally, a particular set of flashcard scores / review histories, so that you can (for example) separately track your progress on one type of flashcard test versus another kind.

The three profiles we ship with cover three common types of flashcard test - repetition-spaced testing is probably the most popular now. The 6/5/4/3/2/1 scores (both in that and in weighted) let you rate how well you remembered a card, which is factored into how soon the card comes up again - a 6 means you remembered the card better than a 4 and so the card will take longer to reappear, a 3 on an incorrect answer means that you almost remembered the card so it won't come up again quite as soon as a 1.