guifan dictionary in pleco 2.0


It's called 'Standard Dictionary of Modern Chinese', and it's not available on the standard orders page. Given that it's only available for Pleco 2.0, you'll need to check the Beta forums for information on downloading Beta 2 and purchasing the new dictionaries. Which won't work with 1.3, just to make it clear.


Staff member
Yeah, we still have to figure out whether to officially call it by its Chinese or its English name - Standard Dictionary sounds kind of generic but we call all of our other titles by English names so even if Guifan is more distinctive it's a bit of a break with tradition.

But yes, these are paid upgrades for all users, and ipsi, if I ever start handing out forum moderator accounts you're getting one of the first ones :)


Woo! Evil Moderator Powers! Bwahahaha!

.... I mean, cool. But this forum doesn't really need moderators too much. It's nice and quiet, and I don't see much stuff that actually needs to be moderated. Barring one topic that I got an email notification for, but wasn't there when I looked for it?