Help searching.


Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me get Pleco search working to list a whole bunch of entries.

I would like all the entries for things like this "BL-" and then it list BL-1, BL-2, BL-3 in sequential order (here's an example entry for BL-17, and you can see it has BL- at the start)


But if I search for "BL-" it doesn't show any entries.

Can anyone give me advice on how I can get all the entries to show in the search?



Staff member
It won't be sequential, but if you put a # before "BL" you should be able to search for all of the definitions that contain BL. We've had a "built-in word list" feature on our to-do list for a while so at some point we'll probably introduce something like that, to let you browse through word lists associated with a particular dictionary like sequential lists of acupoints in Wiseman.


Hello, I have tried to do that still to no avail. Excuse my ignorance, but maybe I have some settings wrong? I tried setting up a dictionary that only searches the Practical Dictionary but it still doesn't work.


For example, even searching for BL-1 doesn't show the entry


Entry for BL-1


Do you think maybe the hyphen is corrupting the method of searching? But I find it strange nothing turns up on #BL in the first picture either.

Thank you for your help.


Staff member
I'm not really sure what the problem would be in that case - we can add it to our list of bugs to review but I don't have any other immediate solutions to offer.

If you've bought this dictionary recently and would like a refund, contact support and we'll be happy to set that up. Very sorry for the hassle.


It's a minor issue, just would be nice to be able to search the points like that (sometimes I Forget their names...). And honestly, your product actually allowed me to translate Chinese medicine texts by using those dictionaries and making sure I stayed consistent with terminology, so I would never dream of asking for a refund :)

Thanks so much for producing an amazing product!

(ps the books are here )