import flashcard button unresponsive


Just bought Pleco in anticipation of a two year posting to Beijing and am overall very happy with it. Quick disclaimer: I attempted to search other postings on the problem, below, but I did not see anything that sounds quite like my situation.

In a nutshell, the "Choose File.." button on the import flashcard screen does absolutely nothing when I press it. Nothing. In addition, the drop-down menus below the button are empty and when I click on them, it magically puts a bunch of empty squares next to the right of the "Choose File" button. I can't be sure, but I believe this problem was generated by my accidentally clicking one too many times on a file while it was already importing... Finally, I have tried deleting Pleco and reinstalling, but that doesn't do squat. In fact, it's not even clear to me that you can delete Pleco, b/c everytime I reinstall it, it retains all of my work...

System stats: HP IPAQ 111, Pleco installed on a 1GB storage card.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...the flashcard program is by far the most valuable feature of this program for me. Thx!


Staff member
Hmm... you're sure you're using 2.0.3, right? As far as deleting / reinstalling, have you tried soft resetting your iPAQ too? (stick a paperclip in the reset hole on the back of the unit, or remove / reinsert the battery) Just reinstalling while Pleco might still be running in the background wouldn't do much good, it'd skip over most of the files since they'd still be open.


I've tried just about everything I can think of. Deleting and resetting and pulling the battery before re-installing, deleting and then installing on the system memory instead of the flashcard, etc... Each time I reinstall it keeps coming back as the earlier version with all my retained settings (custom dict, flashcards, etc.). It even knows the last word I looked up...and the import feature is still broken, unfortunately. Is there something unique to the HP 111 that is preventing me from blowing this out of the system and doing a real re-install?


Staff member
Nothing like that... try this: go into the "Misc" panel of Settings and tap on each of the first two buttons towards the bottom of the screen, "Reset all prefs to defaults" and "Clear all recent search data." That should reset your preferences settings and hopefully get the importer to stop acting up.


That did it--rock and roll.

Many thanks for the help / great service, Mike, and especially for taking the time to make this amazing product. I honestly am about 500% more confident of my ability to get back to where I was in grad school with Chinese thanks to this thing...