Import Won't Work


After spending hours trying to import unsuccessfully, let me ask: Does anybody know why only my categories show up from the new list I imported. The list is a saved as UTF-8 text file. No tabs after the categories. Proper number of tabs throughout. The vocabulary words, pinyin and definitions all fail to appear!

Your help would be much appreciated by me!


After spending hours trying to import unsuccessfully, let me ask: Does anybody know why only my categories show up from the new list I imported. The list is a saved as UTF-8 text file. No tabs after the categories. Proper number of tabs throughout. The vocabulary words, pinyin and definitions all fail to appear!

Your help would be much appreciated by me!
It would be easier to look for the problem if you make an upload of at least the first 2 or 3 lines of your import file.


Okay. I have done everything, it seems. I even used MS Word to look at TABS, and experimented with CR/LF variations... still trying to make it work. But although the instructions say to put the file on the SD card, I put it in the phone's Android folder.

Here are the first few lines of some 3-4000...

//2 Peter1
殷勤Yin1Qin3diligence : 5 正因这缘故,你们要分外地殷勤
节制Jie2Zhi4self control : 6 有了知识,又要加上节制
指示Zhi3Shi4show : 14 正如我们主耶稣基督所指示我的。
情欲Qing3Yu4flesh : 4 脱离世上从情欲来的败坏
虔敬Qian2Jing4godliness : 6 有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬
性情Xing4Qing3nature : 4 得与神的性情有分
//2 Peter2
师傅Shi2Fu3teacher : 将来在你们中间也必有假师傅
捏造Mie1Zao4deceptive : 他们因有贪心,要用捏造的言语在你们身上取利


I am not sure why the tabs didn't appear when I pasted the lines from the .txt document into the "Post Reply" window. But they are there in the document.


I am not sure why the tabs didn't appear when I pasted the lines from the .txt document into the "Post Reply" window. But they are there in the document.
The lines do not help, just upload 2 or 3 lines of the *.txt File in UTF-8.
You can also make a single flashcard within Pleco and export this flashcard to a *.txt File and try to see what is different from your file. I would not use Word, but only Excel and a normal editor.