Iphone settings backup location


I would like to ask where does Iphone store Pleco settings backup. When I chose the folder location, I can only select "Local". When I tap "Save", Pleco says it was exported successfully, but I cannot locate it anywhere in the phone. I am about to swap my phone so I would like to download this backup to be sure I can restore it later on the other phone. Also, how to restore it later than, i. e. where to upload the xml backup file so Pleco can see it as an option for restore? Thanks!


Staff member
Sorry, it would be in 'file manager' in Pleco's sidebar menu. You can tap on the (i) button next to a file and tap "Share / Open In" to share it with another storage area outside of Pleco.

To restore it, you'd do the opposite - share it from some other location with Pleco.