Issue with importing deck


Hello everyone,

I have followed the steps in "Importing Other Flashcard Lists" from this guide:

The deck 《HSK标准教程 6上下》 downloaded from this forum does show up in my “File Manager” (“Inbox”). Now if I click “Import” under “Step 2” to choose the file, it doesn't show up there. So how do I import this deck? I have just upgraded my Pleco app. If there is a better way to do this please teach me :D


Staff member
Did it maybe come through with an 'html' extension? Safari sometimes adds that - go into Settings / File Manager and turn on 'show file extensions,' then in File Manager / Inbox tap on the (i) next to the file and change its file extension to .txt - that should get the importer to see it.


Wow, thanks for the fast reply! Yup, you are right that's the issue. Any idea how to delete this extensions? Or just redownload in another way?


Staff member
If you turn on 'show file extensions' you can tap on the (i) next to the file in file manager to edit its name, including the extension - delete the .html from the end and that should fix it.