Mapping HW buttons


Hey, I have a Treo 750W (WM5) and can't use any of the hardware buttons (except the cursor) for navigating around PlecoDict. It would be great if I could use the softkeys and side button for menu/clear/whatever. Does anyone know how to do that?

I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, I looked and searched and couldn't find anything on it.


Staff member
We actually specifically used a regular non-softkey menu bar in Pleco 1.0 because at the time most Windows Mobile 5 devices didn't actually have softkeys; now that that's changed, though, this probably is something we should correct in 2.0.


Hi, Michael, thanks for the reply. I would say that you don't have to have a bottom bar on the screen to tell you what the buttons are for, just an extra option in the toolbar config to assign one button from a list to the selected toolbar button. But you know a lot more about interfaces and the internal workings of the UI than I do, so I'm sure you can come up with something (thought I don't want to delay the release of 2.0...I think other forum members would track me down and hang me if I caused that!).


Staff member
Oh, all I was talking about doing was making it so you can bring up the menu bar with a soft key; it takes all of 30 seconds to make the necessary code change for that. I suppose we could also provide an option to assign a specific menu command to the other soft key, hadn't thought about that...


It would be very nice to be able to use all hardware keys - not just softkeys. I regularly make flashcards from the vocabulary lists in my textbook, and after each word I type in with the hardware keyboard I have to move my hands to press the add flashcard and erase buttons. It would be really nice to have some more keyboard control. I've got a tab key that doesn't seem to do anything in Plecodict, and an Internet Explorer key which doesn't do anything either (HTC Blue Angel). While other users may have different layouts on their phones, they probably want to be able to use hardware buttons for such purposes as well, so if it were possible to map any key to a variety of functions, that would be great. While you of course want to avoid making the program too complicated, I don't think there's really so much danger in having too many options and ways of customizing. Since the hardware that Plecodict runs on varies so much, customizing is essential to get an optimal experience. I have a Casio dictionary for Japanese, and it's superior to Plecodict in many ways - it's very snappy and responsive, and the interface is great. Easy enough for them though, I wager, since they control hardware. Besides, I don't have it on my phone, and it's made for Japanese learners of English which makes it hard to use sometimes.

That got sort of off-topic, but in any case these are the four functions I would most like to be able to bind to hardware buttons: toggle Eng/Chi, change dictionary, add flashcard, clear input. If I could do these, I would have to reach for the stylus much less often, and save a lot of time. Not to mention mistakes when I miss a touchscreen button during a bumpy taxi ride.


Staff member
Yeah, making our own hardware would be lovely if we had the money / volume to make it cost-effective. Hopefully in a few years, though...

Anyway, hardware button control has actually caused a considerable number of problems for us over the years, it seems like every time we implement it it screws up some other part of the operating system (particularly acute on Palm). So we're always kind of hesitant about adding it, I'm already anticipating a bunch of complaints about the fact that it's no longer possible to map program launch buttons to flashcard commands on Palm. But we'll keep experimenting with ways to make it work more reliably, and if we can figure something out we'd certainly add it in.