Need help reloading SimSun fonts

My nightmare also came true. Pocket PC stopped working, luckily (or unfortunately) the ZhongGuanCun
(in Beijing) tech was able to reset the Pocket PC so now it works. But I need to reload everything, which
I have completed. However, when I start PlecoDict a message pops up say "entitled to use the higher
quality SimSun font, visit "". I have visited the site and read and re-read the
manual "ppcmanual.pdf". I don't understand how I reload the SimSun fonts. And I don't want to remove
the demo fonts, until I am ready with the SimSun fonts. Assistance please.


Staff member
Sounds like you've got an old copy of the Pleco demo version installed. The newer ones use the same high-quality font in the demo as in the paid version, so to install the upgraded font just download another copy of the demo installer from and in the first screen of the installer select only the "Song Font" item.