NWP dictionary examples useless


I find the NWP dictionary examples extremely irritating. Look at the following example taken from the said dictionary:

v. 2.忽略 hūlǜe:Don't ~ your duties. 别万户你的职责。Bié wánhū nǐde zhízé.

OK so first it says that the word in question is hūlǜe, but then in the example it uses a completely different word (wánhū). Are there subtle differences between the two words? The word hūlǜe is listed first, which to my mind implies that it is the most important one, so why isn't there an example using the word hūlǜe?

Am I the only one??


Staff member
It's been a recurring complaint, though the same problem seems to exist in lots of E-C dictionaries; even when they're designed for learners they often tend to fall back on bad habits like giving a more infinitive-y standalone translation by itself and then switching to something that's better in context in an example sentence. You have to remember that the staffs working on these things are tiny compared to those that you might see working on a dedicated English-English dictionary, so there are fewer people around to catch / correct mistakes like this.

Prior to the recent release of the ABC English-Chinese dictionary, though, NWP was really the only learner-friendly English-Chinese dictionary on the market with a decent number of entries. And now that that ABC dictionary is out it's replaced NWP in the Professional / Linguist Pleco bundles, though we still think NWP is a great title to have too in spite of the occasionally-frustrating examples.

(and I should note for anyone else reading this that the characters in the original entry are 别*玩忽*你的职责, not 别*万户*你的职责 - threw me at first since I thought that entry was completely screwed up)