Pleco 3.0 - Happy 10th anniversary!


I read online Pleco 3.0 for iOS came out in 2013. I remember using it then on an iPod Touch. I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years!

Anyone have any good Pleco 3 memories to share? - like the time it helped me read that a soup item on a menu had donkey brain (驴脑)… :eek:

Happy 10th Anniversary Pleco 3!
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Hi Hailibu,

nice idea! Pleco 3.0 was the first version to sport a clean sidebar interface, which I thought was a great improvement for this allrounder app. But to be precise, when I used Live OCR for the first time, I'm pretty sure I was still running Pleco 2.x around 2011/2012.

Happy Anniversary,



Staff member
Heh, thanks!

(sidebars have actually fallen out of fashion since then, though I remember showing this at an Apple design lab all the way back in 2013 and having them gently suggest that we not use them)