Problem updating to 2.0.1



First off I want to say that Pleco is a splendid piece of software which has helped me a lot. Thank you!

I'm trying to update from 2.0 to 2.0.1. I follow the instructions to step 6, but in the "Choose Components" screen there is no "Update Pleco" checkbox. From the instructions I get the impression that it should be. My handheld is an Hp ipaq114 running WM6. I have the basic bundle of Pleco.


Staff member
That's odd... try the newly-released 2.0.2 update, does that give you an "Update Pleco" box? (we fixed a minor bug in the installer that in some rare circumstances could actually have caused the "Update Pleco" line to disappear, though we thought it only affected Windows Mobile 2003 devices)


I tried 2.0.2 and got the same result (I'm using Win XP and ActiveSync 4.5 btw). I accidentally started the install anyway, pressed cancel and broke Pleco :(. But after that I used the installer to first uninstall and then reinstall Pleco. It now seems to work flawlessly and it is running 2.0.2. I didn't even have to reactivate it with the keyfile. :)


Staff member
Great! We store registration data and flashcards in places that aren't affected by the uninstaller, in large part to make that sort of reinstallation easy - unless you move files around there isn't really any user-created / user-specific data that's deleted by an uninstall.