Quickie Usage Instructions


Staff member
A lot of this is self-explanatory, at least for the technically-minded, so just to cover a few things:

Search/View mode: once this works it'll be really cool, but for right now the principal feature of View mode (embedded document reader) basically doesn't, so stick with Search mode, indicated by a magnifying glass in the leftmost spot on the toolbar.

To get magnification working (kind of), go to the Search Navigation panel in Preferences and set Character Info to come up when the definition text is tapped.

Fourth button in the toolbar toggles between regular and full-text search mode, for full-text make sure that you're in the correct language mode (E-C or C-E) for what you're actually searching for rather than the dictionary you want to search for it in.

Flashcards: some new terminology here. Categories are like the old Lists; they're how you organize cards, but cards can now be assigned an unlimited number of them. (so they also double for Flags) Score replaces rank, higher score = less frequent card appearances, Profiles are sets of flashcard session settings but aren't quite fully usable yet, and Score Files are independent sets of flashcard scores which you can use for example if you want to brush up on Pinyin or stroke order without having it affect the scores for your overall vocabulary learning.

Automatic scoring mode is the most SuperMemo-like one, the middle setting should pretty closely track their memorization aggressiveness for the most part - Prompt for answer quality will let you indicate how well you remembered / how close you came to remembering a card, thus allowing for more nuanced card promotion/demotion.


Staff member
1) In the Manage Categories screen; create it and use the Default button to make it automatically apply to all new flashcards.

2) With the Toggle Char Set menu command.


Would like to encourage you to make some youtube videos of the new sweet features. It could serve well as marketing for your product and service to you current customer base. Nice work!


This is a beta. As such, the program shouldn't be freely discussed or examined. Were I the developer, I'd wait until PD2 became a trifle more public.



Staff member
Well not for the beta, but for the finished version that definitely makes sense, yes. Maybe also some instructional videos, often it's a lot easier to see something in action than to read about it in a manual. Plus I could narrate them myself and provide something for people to dredge up 30 years from now at my retirement party :)


Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out where to access the stroke order diagrams. I have purchased and installed the files (and keyfile), and I don't get a message that I'm missing any components. Any suggestions as to how to access the stroke order diagrams?


Alexis said:
Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out where to access the stroke order diagrams. I have purchased and installed the files (and keyfile), and I don't get a message that I'm missing any components. Any suggestions as to how to access the stroke order diagrams?


Staff member
See other threads for this; basically you go to the Search Navigation panel of preferences, set the third option (Defn tap action) to Character Info, and after that you can simply tap on a character to bring up the info screen.
Command Bar Modes/Layouts???

Hi Mike

Could you Please clarify the Purpose/Functionality of Main/Search/View Modes?

Changing Mode, Seems to change My Command Bar Layout.
Auto Searching doesn't Seem to Work for Me,
and it is Hard to keep track of which Mode I'm in.

Some of the Command Bar Functions also keep reverting to Some Default Function.
Each Time I have a (Frequent) Crash.
(I'm Testing on a Palm T5, Pleco Beta 1 (Non ARM-Accelerated))

The Duelist


Staff member
Search and View are the two modes, Main Mode is just the name for the option. Basically the idea behind these is to provide an easy way to 1) alternate between a full-screen list and a full-screen (or nearly full-screen) definition, for people who like to use two screens instead of one when browsing, and 2) access the new built-in reader function, so that when viewing entries in the new 21st Century and Standard dictionaries you can quickly look up the meaning/pronunciation of unknown characters. At the moment, though, neither of those is working too well so you're probably better off sticking with Search Mode all the time.


Machine ID

How do we request a new keyfile if we want to switch to a different device than previously registered? Since the keyfiles are now keyed to Machine IDs instead of synch IDs, that seems necessary.


Staff member
There'll be a form to allow you to do that once we release the finished version, for now just send us an e-mail with the new ID (but please not too often); we haven't written the website code to make / record / verify those ID changes yet.