Repetition spacing tweak request


I think the way answer quality affects the timing of subsequent tests is not optimal. For example, a new card will be reviewed on day 1 and then, whether I barely remember it (and give my answer a quality of 4) or nail it instantly (and rate my answer 6), its score will go from 100 to 400 and I will thus see it again on day 5. On day 5, the quality of my answer at that time will be similarly irrelevant to the amount of time before I see it again.

It really ought to be the case that I see the quality-4 card for the second time before day 5 -- I had trouble remembering it and so clearly it needs to be reviewed more frequently.

I think all I want is for the difficulty to be adjusted based on the answer quality *before* the card's score is adjusted based on the difficulty. So if I rate my day-one answer 4, the resulting score will be less than 400 and I will thus see the card earlier.

Does that make sense? Is there a reason why I should want it to work the way it does?


Staff member
It makes sense, but SuperMemo/Mnemosyne (and I think Anki too) do it the same way we do, so I think that needs to remain the default behavior - there's some sort of sound theoretical basis for it IIRC. The Scoring panel is already so utterly terrifying for most Pleco users that I'd rather not add yet another checkbox to that until we get around to rolling out an "Expert Mode" option in (I think) 2.1 - once we do that, though, the sky's the limit in terms of customization and we can certainly consider adding an option for this then.