request: append finds to pasteboard

An "append to pasteboard" option per numble's suggestion would probably be the way to go - wouldn't be difficult at all to implement, and that would let you accumulate a bunch of characters without switching into Memo.

An old thread at
said an "append to pasteboard" function would be feasible. This would still make composing text messages a lot easier than constantly going back and forth between two apps, copying and pasting.


Staff member
Honestly, we'd rather wait for Google to get their permissions system straightened out, so that an app like Pleco can request permission to send SMSes on-demand without having to scare everyone away from our Google Play page by requesting SMS permission on initial install. That way there's no need to concatenate at all, you'd simply write your SMS within Pleco and then send it (and likewise pull up SMSes within our document reader - all possible once we can do it without scaring away downloaders).
SMS on-demand sounds great. There's no way to make the permissions less scary at the Play store? I'd have thought the average user hardly pays attention to privacy issues, but it's good to know otherwise.

Actually, though, I use apps like LINE much more often. And I also write short messages for other things, like emails. It's quite cumbersome, made worse because in some apps a space gets automatically inserted between pastes. So when I'm done, I have to go back, find, and delete the spaces. When I accidentally delete a character instead of a space, it's a real chore to go and get the character back and insert it into the correct position. Perhaps Pleco could have its own internal "scratch" that could be appended to automatically, and then the user could cut-and-paste the whole thing from there?