Search for Duplicate flashcards?



Is there any way to search for duplicate flashcards just based on the characters (not the pinyin too)?

I am finding that I have been adding quite a lot of duplicates (without any warning), even though I've got "Prompt" for duplicates switched on.

The existing card is usually one I've written/imported myself, rather than one previously added with the + button. I think what might be happening is that sometimes the pinyin doesn't match on both cards, even though the chinese characters do. This is because often the Pleco dictionaries have a 5th tone on the final character, whereas my previous textbooks use the character's original tone (I have been learning chinese in Taiwan, where they tend to keep the final tone).

Anyway, it would be useful to be able to get a full listing of duplicates by character, so I can merge them or delete one of the copies.



Staff member
There's no way to do that right now, though if we ever get around to adding customizable duplicate-checking we could certainly add it then. Assuming the character areas don't contain any extraneous punctuation / spaces / etc, you could probably do this search manually using an SQLite database management utility, though it'd require a fairly complicated query, and you'd have to write down the relevant words and then search for / remove the cards within Pleco in order to make sure that all of the other records attached to those cards were cleaned up when they were deleted.