Suddenly Can't Access User C-E Dictionary



I have been using the full version of PlecoDict (the basic package) since about July of 2007. I have never had any problems with missing flashcards/dictionaries until now. I woke up today to begin my studies to find that some of the entries in some of my flashcard lists have been taken away and replaced with the message: "Sorry, the dictionary associated with this entry no longer appears to be available...". I tried restarting the app and the phone a few times to no avail. I tried to find a pattern to the losses but couldn't. I looked on these forums and found some suggestions, such as removing the excess flashcard files with numbers after them. Still nothing. I also just uninstalled and reinstalled the program, then reimported the flashcards. This time, the flashcards have just erased the missing entries and doesn't include them. For example, if a flashcard set had 30 words with 10 missing, it used to show the total number of words. Now it has simply removed them. I have backed up all of my files upon finding this problem. There are about 250 missing words out of a total of 1,500. I have no clue what has caused this, however, it seems as though I have no access to my User C-E Dictionary. Almost as if it has just been wiped out. I am guessing that my missing flashcards are from this dictionary. I have backups of only about half of my flashcards and I really don't want to hunt for hours to find the missing links in my books. Mike, if you could help me out with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much! I would be willing to send over any files I have for analysis, if that would help.

By the way I am using a Windows media device, with WM5.


Staff member
Yikes, sorry about that. Assuming the file hasn't been too severely corrupted, we should be able to restore the data from it, though unfortunately the associated flashcard ranks/statistics/etc probably can't be recovered. Anyway, send us the User DB file and we'll try to dump the data from it into a text file which you can then re-import back into Pleco.