Viewing mnemonics notes from within Pleco flashcards



I found a neat and simple way of viewing mnemonics notes directly from within Pleco flashcards. Perhaps others are using this shortcut as well but i did not see it mentioned in earlier posts. I thought I'd share it here.

Pleco flashcards reviews have been an absolute lifesaver for my studies. One of the features I have really been missing though is direct access to my mnemonics notes. At the moment I need to go back to my excel sheet every time I want to check up on a mnemonic which is a cumbersome way of working.

I am hoping that custom notes will be introduced as a new feature in the upcoming update. However, at present it is not clear if it will be. It also seems the release of The Big Update has been delayed. So without clarity on if and when it will be introduced I started looking for alternatives.

It turns out there is actually a neat and simple shortcut: adding your mnemonics as a custom dictionary. In that way you can check up on your mnemonic during a flashcard review session without having to exit Pleco or having to go to another app which houses the original notes.

How to add mnemonic notes as a custom dictionary?
In case you already use a custom dictionary you will be familiar with the [headword / pinyin / definition] formatting. For a mnemonics dictionary (MND) simply replace the definition column with a column containing your mnemonics notes so that you end up with [headword / pinyin / mnemonic] format. Import the MND as a .txt file, add it to your active dictionaries and you're ready to go.

How to view mnemonics notes during a flashcard review session?
Let's say you're in the middle of a character recognition review. You come across a character or word you recognise but can't remember exactly what the buildup/meaning/pronunciation is. After pressing the "reveal card" button tap the character or word and the dictionary pop-up screen will appear. Tap on the dictionary abbreviation on the right until you get to your MND notes. Check up on your mnemonic notes and you can continue with your flashcard review session again. Very simple!

cheers Eddy


Staff member
Eddy said:
I am hoping that custom notes will be introduced as a new feature in the upcoming update. However, at present it is not clear if it will be. It also seems the release of The Big Update has been delayed. So without clarity on if and when it will be introduced I started looking for alternatives.

They probably won't be, so this seems like a good workaround. We have, however, added an option to easily switch between dictionaries after a flashcard is revealed (basically there's a friendly dictionary switch button right next to the flashcard definition), which actually makes this an even better option.

This will hopefully be the last time we ever do a Big Update, incidentally - in the future we plan to keep most feature improvements in medium-sized updates and do any long-term changes in a separate code branch. (this takes more time - have to keep everything synchronized between two versions of our app that are simultaneously in development - but it greatly reduces stress both on our side and on our customers')


Very good point Eddy. I have been doing this for a while now. Its exactly what I do with Skritter as I already have other Mnemonics. But I also use the custom dictionary for reference material about the character, or really any information you want about a character.

My hope is that Skritter and both Pleco allow further notes for the characters, including the ability to save a written note or drawing that is then associated with the character. I have not posted about that one yet so I guess now is a good a time as any.