Voice recognition - integration with Dragon Dictation?


Is there any possibility of integration between Pleco and Dragon Dictation or Google to bring about voice recognition??

i.e. you say a Mandarin or Cantonese word and then Pleco shows the characters and defines it. This would definitely need an internet connection so that the speech can be analysed by Dragon Dictation's server.

(I saw a few forum postings in the Android section; I am enquiring about Pleco for iOS.)


Staff member
It looks like Nuance is rolling out a mobile developer program in January both for Dragon Dictation and their Text-to-speech products, something to let anybody with an iPhone app integrate their online services. Not sure if / when this might cover Chinese, but we've signed up to be notified when it's ready anyway. If it's expensive / complicated, though, we might want to offer voice recognition support on Android first (since it's already built-in) and see how that goes.