What is 1 before sui4 under shou1 收in ABC?


In ABC dictionary, if you go to shou1 收, there is an example. In the example when you come to the word sui4, there is a 1 in front of sui. What does this 1 mean? Other examples have other numbers such as 2, etc. The answer to this question along with answer to what is * asked by another poster should be noted in the PlecoDict Abbreviations Used section of the manual.


Staff member
They're a system the ABC dictionary uses to differentiate between multiple entries with the same Pinyin; in a "see also" for example if you see 1sui4 it would always be a reference to that same specific entry. They also give you a rough ordering of words by frequency, so if you hear a Pinyin word and aren't sure about its meaning the version with 1 in front of is probably the most common.