Where did my fonts go?!

I just installed pleco into my new axim.

It prompted me on where to install each item. I chose to put the dictionaries and the fonts on my sd card.

I see the fonts in my sd card /program files directory, but I can't find the fonts anywhere?

Did they install on my axim hard drive? I can't seem to find them there either! I tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail. hmmm...

btw, since those font files are quite big, does pleco run faster if I put the fonts on my sd card?


Most of PlecoDict is on my CF Card, but the three Pleco typefaces and at least one dll is in Main Memory/Programs/PlecoDict. HTH.



has anyone reported a problem where they select sd card as the place to install the fonts but it is installed else where? I can't seem to find them. if they did install to the sd card which directory should it be in? should it be in 'program files/pleco/' along with the dictionary files?


Staff member
File Explorer might be set to ignore / hide the font files because they're considered part of the operating system; if you install a third-party file explorer utility like Resco Explorer, that should allow you to see the font files.

The installer always puts the font files in internal memory, regardless of where you tell it to install PlecoDict, because there's a bug in Windows CE that can cause crashes and other problems if a program attempts to load a large font file (like a Chinese font) from an SD or CF card. The handwriting recognizer DLL is also installed in internal memory for a similar reason. So unless you manually moved the font files to your SD card, they should be in \\Program Files\PlecoDict in your Axim's internal memory.