which product should I buy?



I will get a Pocket PC next week and I would like to use Plecodict on it (plan to join the Beta-testers if there is still any beta :))

Now I wonder which Bundle I should buy.
Probably this depends strongly on my chinese level. It is not easy to describe. I can do easy conversations about my background and what I am doing, I can go shopping and buy train tickets.
I do not know a lot of characters though. Now I want to focus more on studiing characters.
As I want to go to Taiwan later I want to study traditional characters (after seeing the simplified "love" and what they left out I really want to study complex!).

Maybe there is a more detailes description about the different bundles and it was just tomato on my eyes that hindered me from finding it ...



Staff member
Thanks for your interest in our products.

The only difference between the bundles is the dictionaries they include, so yes, the main thing to consider is your Chinese level. If you think a 24,000-word concise dictionary is sufficient to cover all of the vocabulary you're likely to encounter, go for the Basic, or if you want the widest possible vocabulary then go for the Professional or Complete version. There's a little more information about the bundles at http://www.pleco.com/plecodict.html but really it all boils down to how much vocabulary you need.