3.1.2/3 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Staff member
I think this one's been reported before, actually, but as yet we've never managed to reproduce it even once on our end - hopefully with a few more reports we'll be able to triangulate it to a point where we can, thanks.


Sometimes when I do a multiple choice test and it shows audio and prompts for characters one or more of the multiple choice options will say: (blank). In test settings I have choices from set to session categories. I'm not sure if I have seen it happen under other test settings or not. I have no idea why this happens.


I'm using simplified. Once I clicked on it and it said I got the wrong answer and display the character that I supposedly picked and then the correct character. Here's a picture of one instance:


  • IMG_0859.PNG
    134.5 KB · Views: 452


Staff member
Well that's odd... where did you import these cards from? They're definitely not manually-entered cards that don't have any characters, right?


The only imported cards I have are the HSK ones. These cards are taken from dictionary definitions from Pleco. I have created my own custom definitions for a couple cards, but I don't think that is what is causing this. Here is another example except this time its the definitions.


  • IMG_0860.PNG
    161.5 KB · Views: 485


Staff member
Could you possibly email us a backup of your flashcard database? Not quite clear what else might be causing this.
canto problem:

i.e: 奇异果/奇異果
canto pinyin/audio doesn't display but gzh has a definition for the word

if I click gzh-->browse dictionary-->奇異果
then it will display everything but I guess there's something wrong with the syncing all the entries together


Hi, another UI issue: Searching within a document in Document Reader in Night Mode, the selection color of found words is so dark to be almost impossible to discern. I would correct all of the following color issues in 3.1.4/3.2 (all in Night Mode):

- The issue mentioned above
- The text in the search box is often invisible (black on black)
- Pressing the ">" button upon opening a popup definition inside the Reader, the text is in a gray color instead of the configured color.

Maybe we have different priorities, but GUI and color issues should be easy to resolve and have a big effect. This should cover all the possible configurations the user can set, if it doesn't, then there shouldn't be that option.

In this screenshot, the word "呆滞" was searched for. (found at the top)


I hope you understand, I am voicing this complaint as a customer.


Staff member
Check your 'Tint/highlight' color setting - is it similarly very dark? Make it lighter and that should fix the highlight. The other two issues IIRC both related to your slightly unorthodox toolbar button coloring schemes, right?

Honestly, while we're happy to keep supporting color customization, we can't really justify putting the effort into ensuring that every conceivable color combination is usable, so if a particular color scheme produces a result like this then all I can really suggest is that you adjust it until it works correctly; the only color schemes that we can take full responsibility for are the default ones.


The tint/highlight color is bright enough, but it comes out wrong... Here are my settings:


This problem only exists when searching, not when selecting text or getting a popup definition. The black-on-black text in the search box also shouldn't happen with my settings. Thanks.


Staff member
The black-on-black relates to your using "Tint Toolbars" and making them black. The search result highlight color we'll investigate though.


Yes, I see now, when I set the toolbar color to white and back to black, the search box text seems to stay white for about five minutes, then reverts back to black-on-black.

Do you think the problem of gray text in the ">" dictionary display is related to my color settings? I don't have this gray color configured anywhere, it seems to come from the gray tinting of the background text when displaying a popup definition in the Reader.


This is what it should look like:




Staff member
The gray one actually seems to relate to a combination of custom colors and the use of the "don't dismiss on >" option for the reader - disable that latter option and the problem should go away.

Honestly, it was not our intent that people would use different tint colors in toolbars and the rest of the UI - the only reason they're separately configurable is for the sake of our iOS 6 app (with its necessarily colored toolbars). Depending on how iOS 8 shakes out we may not even offer an option to color toolbars for very much longer.


OK, I can understand that. Your suggestion worked, of course. I'll just stick to my current settings while they're still possible. That also explains why you don't place much importance on the black-on-black problem, because the problem may go away. Thanks again!


Staff member
Glad to hear it! This one at least we certainly do plan to address in 3.1.4, and likewise with the search highlight color issue.


EDIT: I guess I figured out at it does mean "I" as in first person pronoun. With the font used in the dictionary, it looks more like a line than a letter I to me.

Original post:
If I look up the character 臣 in the ABC dictionary, I see the following:

1 subject (vs. ruler)
2 TRAD.official


But there is nothing under the "Pronoun, etc" section...just a blank letter "I"...does this mean "I" as in myself?

Is there something missing?

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Staff member
That is confusing, yeah - should have some synonyms like "me" in there I think. I'll make a note to check with the ABC folks on that, thanks.