ldolse - thanks for another detailed feedback post. The importer definitely needs to handle format variations better, though I'm a bit concerned about those randomly-failed entries - do you see any pattern at all to the sorts of entries that randomly fail or is it completely random? Good idea about stats though not sure if that'll make it into 2.0. Copy-and-paste needs to be added to quite a few places, actually - the edit card / edit new dictionary entry screens in particular. The folder button at the bottom of the screen in Manage is supposed to let you assign categories, we just haven't enabled it yet. With the search terms, built-in IMEs and keyboards should still work fine with that field - are you sure you had tapped in it to select it before you tried entering text?
Interesting idea on a stroke order / writing panel, actually fits in nicely with a couple of other potential 2.1 additions. Good catch on the un-closeable Info windows, hadn't seen that yet. With the Character Info interface, we do need to lefty-enable it but putting the buttons on the bottom makes the character too small on a square Pocket PC screen - however, once we get it expanding correctly on large displays, the buttons in portrait orientation at least should appear below the character. The filtering you mention works in the ABC because it's a very well-tagged data file and makes it clear which parts of entries are definitions and which are example sentences; we're slowly adding this tagging to our other dictionaries but in the initial 2.0 release at least it may only be able to hide examples on ABC-based cards.
If you un-check the "Immediately score free-answer cards" box in Preferences, that will get it to wait before processing your answer. We might want to make this separately configurable for characters and Pinyin, though (since it's easier to miss with Pinyin), and like several other items on the flashcard Preferences screen this should probably be moved into profile settings. The multi-choice confirm box actually only pops up when the text is too long to fit onto one line, but thinking about it just now I realize that's a terrible design idea since people don't know whether or not their one tap will commit the answer or just bring up that confirm box, so in the future it should put up that confirmation request anytime there's *any* choice in the box that won't fit on one line. Or just anytime it's displaying definitions.
Two main reasons for adding a soft keyboard: Zhuyin and easy integration with other input methods. (so you can tap on the keyboard button to switch the input palette from radical to keyboard rather than having to hide the input palette and then bring up your built-in soft keyboard) Another bonus is that on Windows Mobile we can put our keyboard on the side of the screen on a landscape display, whereas Microsoft's keyboard already has to go on the bottom. We're also eventually going to add a Pinyin-to-characters mode, though that sadly had to get punted from 2.0. But where in Pleco are you currently unable to enter text with an IME? I tested Manage Flashcards search just now with CE-Star and it seemed to work fine.
sfrrr - yes, the option is there, though sadly like so many other preferences it doesn't actually work yet.