Bug report: Randomize and Priority don't play nice


"Sort cards randomly" doesn't just ignore how overdue the cards are, it also appears to totally ignore priority. This definitely occurs for non-new cards, I haven't tested whether it messes with new cards that are limited as well. My expectation would be that it would randomize within a priority, but still prioritize higher priority cards.

Not a major issue, as I can just not use randomization, but a minor annoyance.


Staff member
Do the high priority cards still reliably come up during the session (just not at the start)? I believe the intent behind 'sort cards randomly' is that the list of cards that comes up during the session will be the same with that option on or off, but the option randomizes them *within* the session.


They do still come up, but priority advertises that they will come up first, and randomize only mentions that it randomizes away the effects of when the card was due for.

In my use case: I want randomize on because otherwise certain cards always wind up next to each other, and I memorize the second not based on its own clue but instead as a follow-up to the first, which is extremely bad. I'm honestly surprised that un-randomized is the default given how bad it is to get that sort of cross-memorization.

I want priority because I have certain cards I need to memorize for class, and then a lot of cards that are there for general learning, so I really want the cards for class to come up first, as I do not always have time to finish my full session every day. This seems like a pretty standard use case for priority.

I'm not sure what use case is supported by randomize ignoring priority.


Staff member
The thinking was that priority itself would also cause cards to cluster, at least the way a lot of people use it.

As a workaround for now, maybe try setting up an additional test with the same scorefile that only does your high priority cards? You can run through those and be assured that you've gotten to them all and then do your regular review session after that.


Staff member
We never added a filter for that, but you can do a search in Organize for priority and then add the cards in that search to a category which you can then filter on.