Feature Suggestions


Staff member
Something like that would probably be best, yes. We'd probably be trying to avoid reserved XML/SQL characters, so [] or {} brackets might be the best tag delimiter - perhaps the latter since those are less likely to show up in people's existing user dictionary entries.

Small correction on the color tags: it's actually the lowest-order 15 bits of each character, so green = RGB code 00FF00 would actually translate to EAC1 8001 FF00, blue = 0000FF would be EAC1 8000 00FF, and red = FF0000 would be EAC1 81FE 8000 I think.


So with the lack of a MakePleco, might I assume that the following steps would create a separate dictionary?:

- Move the existing user dictionary to a backup location, delete from the main Pleco folder
- Import a flashcard file which includes definitions, enable the option to import to the user dictionary
- Rename the new user dictionary to something else
- Add the old user dictionary back

Would that work and give you an additional dictionary then?


in the "compound" tab of the character info i would like to have a "add to flashcards" possibility.

just now its a little painful to always go back to character info, select the next compound, go to definition, add, go back to character info ....
i know i could do that also by using wildcards in the search, but what i really intend is to add new cards during a flash-card session, when i encounter a character i dont know enough. and there you cant go to the definitions of the cards, as it would be necessary to end the session first. so a possibility to add some of the compounds to your flashcards would really help there. just now you only can note down the character somewhere and add the cards later...
mfcb said:
... what i really intend is to add new cards during a flash-card session, when i encounter a character i dont know enough. and there you cant go to the definitions of the cards, as it would be necessary to end the session first. so a possibility to add some of the compounds to your flashcards would really help there. just now you only can note down the character somewhere and add the cards later...
You Can Add New Flashcards In A Session Through The Popup Defn Window.


The Duelist said:
mfcb said:
... what i really intend is to add new cards during a flash-card session, when i encounter a character i dont know enough. and there you cant go to the definitions of the cards, as it would be necessary to end the session first. so a possibility to add some of the compounds to your flashcards would really help there. just now you only can note down the character somewhere and add the cards later...
You Can Add New Flashcards In A Session Through The Popup Defn Window.

but thats not what i meant, i want to add some of the compounds of the "unknown" character. i am not able to Popup Defn in the char info, or am i doing something wrong?


Hey Mike,
Not sure how hard it would be at some point to add the "see also ...." at the end of the dictionary entries in flashcards to show other tone possibilities. I am frustrated many times when I know a character and the pinyin, but keep getting the tone wrong not realizing I may have been right anyways (especially if the definitions are similar). I realize I can get to it from the popup def, but I don't always know to look and it's litttle hard to get to if using one hand in a flashcard session.


Staff member
ldolse - yes, that should work. You could even change its internal name with a few trivial SQLite edits. I'd advise against doing one with more than a few thousand entries, though, scrolling through long lists of user dictionary entries is still kind of slow.

mfcb - there's no way to do that in 2.0, though we're probably going to add a popup definition screen to that Compounds tab at some point in the future (since a lot of people seem to be using / getting frustrated by it).

Mator - you can already get this if you enable the "Include example sentences" option in Preferences - we hide it by default since it can give you clues about the Pinyin of an unknown headword.


I have lots of words in my flashcard list.
I want to get a statistic of how many individual characters they include.
And then get a breakdown of how those characters are spread within a frequency list or HSK word list.
Is it possible to that in 2.0?


Dear Mike,

First let me say that I love the new Pleco. It makes Pleco 1 seem like a proof of concept. Pleco 2 is truly a joy to use, and if you never change anything, I will still love it. Nevertheless, I can't use it without thinking about things that would make it better for me. Here are some suggestions:

1. In flashcards, upon reveal, I currently hear the word once. I would like the “Maximum audio plays” to be able to set a variable number of plays. That is, if I set 3 as the Maximum Audio Plays, I would like to hear the word 3 times. I use repetition spaced free answer score immediately.

2. In flashcards, I would like to have a dictionary button like I have on the pop-up definition screen. This would allow me to know what dictionary the definition is pulled from, and would allow me to cycle through other dictionaries to see how another dictionary defines the same word. I know that I can activate a pop up window to do this, but it would be easier if I just had the dictionary button on the flashcard.

3. In flashcards, I would like one of my optional buttons to be a larger button like the correct or incorrect buttons that come up after the reveal.

4. In flashcards, I would like to be able to determine order/position of my optional buttons just like I can with the buttons at the top of the home/start page.

5. In pop up definitions, I would like to recursively bring up more pop up definitions. That is, in the pop up definition, I would like to pop up another pop up definition as sometimes I find a word I don’t know in the first pop up definition.

6. In pop up definitions, I would like the links to work.

7. In flashcards, I would like the [er2] to show up, or the [zi] to show up. In the definitions they show up, but in flashcards they are stripped off, even after the reveal.

8. I would like to have a flashcard list of all 30,000 words for which you have done audio. I would then like to import those that I don’t already have.

9. Even though you have recorded 30,000 words, I find a lot of words don’t have audio. I would like to have audio for all Chinese provinces, all major Chinese cities, all major Chinese geographic landmarks (mountains, rivers, etc.), major Chinese poets, politicians, generals, literary works, etc., all countries in the world, major cities of the world, major geographic landmarks of the world, major poets, writers, generals, leaders, etc. of the world, major literary works of the world, most common animals (zoo animals?), most common plants, common trademarks and company names.

10. I would like to allow duplicate flashcards in general, but when I’m adding a flashcard with the + button, sometimes it bounces and I get the flashcard twice, or I forget if I have added it and then add it again. So I would like to have a way to allow duplicates but not permit two of the same flashcards in a row.

11. In flashcards, I would like the links to work after the reveal.

12. In flashcards, I would like one of my optional buttons to be the stroke order (or char info). I know I can pull up the char info screen with the appropriate stylus input, but it would be nice to have a button in addition.

13. In flashcards, the reveal button bounces (now that I have the go back button it doesn’t matter so much), but the speaker button never bounces. I would like the reveal button to not bounce. And I would like to be able to hit the speaker button several times in a row and have the audio play several times in a row. Right now, if I hit the speaker button before the audio has completed, the button press is ignored. I have to wait until the audio has competed before Pleco will accept another button press. Maybe you could swap the input behavior so that the reveal never bounces and the audio button does.

14. I would like to have a volume slider that works something like the audio slider in pTunes. What I mean, is that base Pleco volume is set by the audio level established while I am actually on a phone call. In pTunes, the volume slider allows me to reduce that volume or to increase that volume. The only adjustment I have in Pleco is in the preferences, misc page, and this only increases the volume. It doesn’t allow me to bring the volume down from whatever volume I had left it on my last phone call. So this is a double request. 1) a volume adjustment button that brings up a volume control, available on the main page and also on the flashcard page, and 2) that the adjustment have the capability of lowering the volume in addition to increasing the volume. Incidentally, the side volume buttons do nothing.

15. I would like a separate control for the size and/or boldness of Chinese characters. I find that I can read the Roman characters very easily. They seem to be in bold compared to the Chinese characters. But the Chinese character strokes are very slight, and being Chinese, they can be lots of them. So it is extremely hard for me to read the Chinese characters in any of the dictionaries. I think they need to be a bigger font than the Roman characters. (I use a Treo 680.)

16. In flashcards, if after the reveal I accidentally hit the “don’t know” button rather than the “know” button, and then I go back to correct it, there is no way to restore my previous score. It has now been set to 50.

17. In flashcards, if after the reveal I accidentally hit the “know” button rather than the “don’t know” button, and then go back to fix it, I can use the available button to set it to 100, but I can’t set it to 50 like I would prefer. That button should be configurable somewhere.

18. It would be nice to have audio recordings for the sample sentences.

19. It would be nice to have the next increment of audio recordings as there are a lot of words in my flashcards, in addition to all the names mentioned in 9. above, that don't have recorded audio.

These suggestions are in random order, not priority order.

Again, just suggestions. You have created a wonderful product.



Staff member
taijidan - there's not really a way to get that information right now, though it's an interesting idea for a future release.

johnh113 - thanks for this long/detailed list - these are exactly the sorts of refinements that make our software what it is today, but they're darn near impossible to come up with on our own.

On #1, do you mean that you'd like the word played automatically played 3 times in a row? You can already replay it manually by tapping on the audio button, as I'm sure you know - this would be a bit tricky to do given the way the audio system is currently implemented, particularly on Palm, since there's not really a good way for us to interrupt one audio sample's playback before starting another and hence if you didn't actually want to listen to the word three times in a particular case you'd still have to wait for it to finish before you could hear the next word.

Interesting thoughts on #2/3/4, it would be nice to have more standardization in icons / available options across flashcards / dictionary / reader. #5/6 have been much requested and will probably be in 2.1, along with an Input Field in popup definitions (and in IA, at least on WM).

The audio databases have been enough of a headache that I'm not sure if we'd want to embark on a big expansion of them - I think the next step for Pleco audio really is some sort of text-to-speech system. I'm a bit wary of releasing any flashcard list that large, even if it's mostly intended for advanced users a lot of people with handhelds that simply don't have the memory for a list that big are going to try to import it anyway and that could cause some problems; the 9000-word HSK list is about as big of one as I'd want to release right now. (if you had a Tungsten E2 instead of of a Treo 680 you'd likely still be having a frustrating experience with your current flashcard set, and that's less than 30k words)

I didn't know the button bounce was still a problem - we can take another look at that for 2.0.1. Good point about links in flashcards, not sure why we didn't implement that earlier actually. With Chinese characters we could probably squeeze in a slightly larger Chinese font and keep the current English font size, but I'm not sure if we actually have a bitmap font with the correct size at our disposal licensing-wise; mixing the small English font and the large Chinese one would be problematic I think.

#16 would be tricky because we'd have to remember each flashcard's old score even after you advanced to the next card - with cards potentially coming up multiple times in the same session (and in some cases also dropping out of the session altogether if the score went above/below a certain threshold) I don't know if there's a straightforward way to keep track of all of that. Though it might not be quite as difficult to just do it for the most recently viewed card... If you turn on the "Prompt for answer quality" option, though, that would give you an extra set of button after choosing correct/incorrect, and hence an extra chance to hit Skip Card before the new score was committed to your flashcard file.

#17 you should already be able to do if you configure the option next to Score in the Display panel to "Set" "to" 50 pts - does that not work?
I'd like to suggest that you make the Oxford Dictionary Icon colors different for English-Chinese and Chinese-English. I have changed my English-Chinese, for example, to a lighter "rose" color.

The reason for this is when you do full text searches, you can toggle through ALL the dictionaries, under the language term you've searched (which is not that clear in the current manual). This is really cool, but I thought at first there was a mistake, because I saw the Oxford coming up with "different" stuff - haha.

Second, I'd like to suggest you use the phrase "not worth" in the full text search example for your dictionary. It has a lot of entries in some dictionaries, just a few in others, and has items across both E-C and C-E.

A second example that I recommend is "yi1@yi@" as a phrase. 一@一@ since it also has a lot of interesting results, and shows some of the power of searching.

Lastly, I'd like to suggest that your manual include a short list, perhaps 10 or so suggested words and phrases to search for, just to get people to see the various possibilities.

Perhaps a search for baseball / sports terms, etc.

Of course, if there is a way to search for "<comp.> from ABC, I'd like to hear about that too :p

Have you hidden any "cookies" in the dictionary or software to find?


Staff member
Interesting notes. The Oxford icon I'm a bit wary of changing because people are accustomed to it appearing with its current color in 1.0 - might want to reference the possibility of changing colors more prominently in the manual though.

Good idea about providing some searches to try out, though I think I might pick bu4@bu@ over yi1@yi@ since it's a slightly more interesting character to write (while still being easy enough that you're unlikely to fail to match it on the first try).

No easter eggs on the programming end (remnant of my time at Microsoft that it never occurs to me to add them, I guess), though there are one or two in the manual that have been there since 1.0, and the ABC Dictionary has a small one in that they include entries for all of the people mentioned in the dedication.


Hey Mike,
Regarding your answer on alternate tones/characters:
you can already get this if you enable the "Include example sentences" option in Preferences - we hide it by default since it can give you clues about the Pinyin of an unknown headword.
I have always had this option enabled and I do get the sentences, but I don't get the "see also" entries (after one of the black diamonds at the end of the def). The bond form examples also do not show. I realize you wouldn't want this if you were testing by showing definitions, but it is helpful to be able to see after reveal when showing just the headword. Maybe an option in flashcards/advanced/display to show all info would be good so it could be setup by profile (probably a better place for choosing to show example sentences also). I think the problem may be that almost all of my cards are from the ABC and this extra info is in the form of a link. I'm thinking maybe the Oxford entries do show the alternate tones right in the text of the def though. A few examples from ABC are 服-fu2/fu4; 肚-du3/du4; 坏-huai4/pi1; 打-da2/da3.


Staff member
Right, sorry, those are still hidden - we do need to add more fine-grained control over that, we normally hide them since they could give away the Pinyin (or at least hint at it) for the headword. (we don't hide them in Oxford because we haven't coded the Oxford database at that level of detail yet)

Mao Zhou

Does this bother anyone else? When you find an instance of tone sandhi in the dictionaries but the tone marks are wrong.

For example, Ni3 Hao3 becomes Ni2Hao3. Or keyi or shuiguo. It sounds correct in the spoken recordings, although I havent checked many of them. For that matter bu4 becomes bu2 before a fourth tone like bu2hui4. and of course yi1 changes to yi2 before a 4th like yi2ge or yi2kuai4.

Too anal?




I've been playing with Pleco 2 to create an updated radical dictionary, so here are a few feature requests stemming from that effort, some of these have been discussed before, just grouping them together for posterity's sake in this thread:

Alternate font support
Actually already works by renaming another font to ZYSong.ttf, but would be nice if there were a supported way to change the font or reference an alternate one. I haven't run into any problems with just renaming yet, but haven't tried it for very long. I believe some custom code points were created for 21st Century and/or Guifan - were these put in one of the other font files, or does messing with ZYSong break that?

Minimal Extension B support
Not looking for Hanzi search support, HWR or anything like that for extension B characters, just would like to be able to create dictionary entries/flashcards with those headwords. I tried it out using flashcard import just for kicks, it does reject flashcards with extension B (doesn't crash though). I haven't tried editing the SQLite db by hand though.... Depending on the quality of the component data that you've just licensed it seems likely that a number of character components would be in extension B as well, so there are other reasons for some minimal support.

Hardware Button Handling
There isn't a hardware button action go directly to the next or previous entry in the list. Scrolling the entry will often do this, but if you're in a dictionary with lots of entries it would be nicer to have a specific action to go to the next entry in the list. In many cases where 'scroll list' is the default I'd much rather have Pleco select the next entry instead of scroll the list. The recently added hardware button support in flashcards is an example of this. I'd prefer if the up/down action allowed you to select the next flash entry instead of scroll the whole list. It also seems that hardware button support could be made much more context sensitive, but in order to do that the whole idea of focus would be required. By that I mean distinguishing between whether focus is on the text entry box, the list, or the dictionary entry itself. Slightly different behavior would be nice when the list is hidden too. I've gotten used to email and SMS handling on WinMo, I think following the same interface conventions for Pleco would make a lot of sense. What that does is use up and down for scrolling, and left right for going to the next/previous entry in the list, even though the list is hidden. Right now I don't think this is really possible even if the option was added, as the default left right action is cursor control, and the only option is to give up cursor control for something else, and I don't want to do that either.


Mao Zhou said:
Does this bother anyone else? When you find an instance of tone sandhi in the dictionaries but the tone marks are wrong.

For example, Ni3 Hao3 becomes Ni2Hao3. Or keyi or shuiguo. It sounds correct in the spoken recordings, although I havent checked many of them. For that matter bu4 becomes bu2 before a fourth tone like bu2hui4. and of course yi1 changes to yi2 before a 4th like yi2ge or yi2kuai4.

Too anal?



Pleco is following the standard behavior. You don't change the tone marks because of tone sandhi, though I'm certain you would find certain dictionaries and textbooks that do so.

Hardware Button Handling
There isn't a hardware button action go directly to the next or previous entry in the list.
Don't "Next Entry" and "Prev Entry" do this?


Eggwind said:
Don't "Next Entry" and "Prev Entry" do this?

Thanks, I didn't see those before, I was looking at the options in the initial screen for left/right/up/down, not in the 'other button actions' section, which I didn't see.

That does seem to do the trick, have to see if I can live without the cursor control.....


Staff member
Mao Zhou - yes, as Eggwind notes most dictionaries display the canonical Pinyin for characters rather than the sandhi-transformed Pinyin. Tuttle actually does reflect sandhi transformations for bu and yi, though even it doesn't include third-tone sandhi transformations (would be tricky given the existence of half-third-tones and other difficult-to-describe things). The spoken recordings should be correct whenever there's a recording for the whole word (as opposed to a syllable-by-syllable playback).

ldolse - the custom codes (not that many of them actually) are in PlecoExtra so ZYSong should be pretty easy to swap with another font, we just don't officially support it yet since it's a tricky thing to test for and we're not all that confident in our font system's handling of strange / badly-encoded fonts (advance/width values not matching, etc). Adding Extension B support would be kind of tricky since individual characters are generally only stored as 16-bit values (mainly for the sake of performance / memory consumption on the still-16-bit-in-many-places Palm OS) - FreeType does I believe support them, though, and the data we've licensed does indeed include a great many Extension B characters, so it's not impossible, just not something we're likely to do before we drop Palm OS support and make everything thoroughly 32-bitified.

We've actually gone to some effort to work around Windows' keyboard focus behavior in several places, since particularly for novice users (and a very big percentage of Pleco customers on WM aren't really using their phones/handhelds for much of anything else) having the scroll buttons (and, worse yet, keyboard character inputs) suddenly stop doing what they expect them to do can be confusing and irritating - people don't want up/down to scroll the list in one context and the definition in another, they want the same thing to happen whenever they press that down button. But having at least optional support for normal Windows focus behavior would probably be a good idea, particularly as we try in future versions to make Pleco on WM feel more Windows-like in general.


Manage Dictionaries
Are there any plans to include options to enable the settings for use in Instant Access and Popup Definition?
I've checked the "Always search dicts in order" option in the Query preferences, as I'm trying to get used to my searches showing the Guifan entry first, and it would be nice if this was extended to those other features. Thanks.