Import Anki Deck to PlecoFlashcards

Well here's my problem:

I have a exportet my ~300 Flashcards of my Anki Deck to a .txt file. Now the problem is that they are ordered Chinese TAB English TAB Pinyin. Pleco wants Chinese TAB Pinyin TAB Chinese though. So is there a way to arrange my text file's content so that it suits Pleco or any other way how I can get my Flashcards into Plecos Flashcards without having to type them in one by one again?

If you have a spreadsheet like Excel, then it's quite easy. Just import the data using tab separation, which will put them all into different columns. At that point, you can rearrange the columns and export it again with tab separations. Not sure, but you might be able to just copy / paste also. I'd try that first. To import, you have to use the "Data" menu.

Word will also do this, and the table conversion is actually easier, but the column rearranging is more complicated (cut/paste if I recall).


I'm having a few problems coverting my anki decks into pleco flashcards. When I import the data into excel the chinese characters become computer jargon and I can't find a way to change the text reader. I do have a mac, not sure if that's what's causing the problem.... If anyone could give any suggestions I would be really grateful. I have a lot of anki decks and the thought of remaking them is not appealing.



I only know the MS Windows way, but maybe it works with a Mac too: open the .txt file with an editor, mark everything, copy the whole file and past it into an Excel spreadsheet. If the lines in the .txt file are separated by tabs, Excel should put the whole file in different columns.

After changing the Excel file, the way back to a .txt file is similar: open the Excel file, mark everything, copy the whole file and past it into a new .txt file which you created with an editor, save it as UTF-8 file to keep the chinese characters.


Apart from being able to migrate a deck from anki to pleco or the other way, I'd lke to know if either can deal with the statistical data of the other.
Would it be possible to continue learning with my three year old 12 0000 facts deck on the other platform without losing the srs-data of all cards?


Staff member
Might be, I haven't looked at their export format recently; if you PM / email me with your exported Anki flashcard file I can see if there's an easy way to convert it to our XML import format (and send you a converted copy / post instructions if so).


Did you ever figure this out? I might also be interested, my Anki deck is nearly 2 years old, and I'd hate to lose all that progress--for instance, I still get words that were easy 5-7 months ago, but have since forgotten. I've got 8849 cards that are considered "mature" under the Anki system, which takes a minimum of 4-5 correct reviews to get there (about a month or so of reviews), and I'd hate to have to do that again for so many cards.
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Staff member
We think we know how to do it, but it'll take a while to write the actual code and it's tough to find time for that between the fifty zillion other things on our to-do list right now. (if anybody with some Perl and SQL experience wants to take a shot at it as an open-source project, we'll be glad to give you whatever info we can and help promote the finished product if it works)


Has there been any progress on this script?

I have both Perl and SQL experience and would be prepared to help if nothing has been done yet, but like everyone else in the world, I find myself short of time, so it may take a week or two to schedule in being able to do anything. Out of interest, is there a reason you specifically want a Perl script?


Staff member
stimut said:
Has there been any progress on this script?

I have both Perl and SQL experience and would be prepared to help if nothing has been done yet, but like everyone else in the world, I find myself short of time, so it may take a week or two to schedule in being able to do anything. Out of interest, is there a reason you specifically want a Perl script?

No, we were waiting for the 2.3/2.4 flashcard redesign since our database doesn't yet keep track of as many statistics as Anki does - no way to store the dates/times of all of a card's previous reviews, for example, which can be useful data for reviewing your progress over time and for our future iCloud sync purposes. But support for those could easily be added to a script down the line, so we'd certainly be delighted if you wanted to give it a try. No reason for Perl specifically, just the first text-processing language that popped into my head - Python would actually probably be better since that's what Anki is written in.
Hi Mike,
Should I be able to import flashcards into Anki from Pleco and Anki be able to read the colors and tone marks carried over from Pleco?