Hi there.
I would be thrilled if a native iPhone/iPod touch Plecodict would become reality.
(I'd go for an emulated PalmOS and Pleco too, but only if I have to.)
I mean, I love this software on my Treo650 but I've kept an eye on the iPod touch since it was released.
Pleco on the afore mentioned would be last reason I need to buy it!
So, I concur with MattWhyndham on making Apple paying you overtime to make a iPhone-version. :wink:
The issue of the missing stylus on those little buggers is IMO a non-issue.
How many students of the chinese language have found themselves painting HanZi into thin air, for whatever cause?!?
Also the interface is precise enough to handle it. I've tried some small painting app on a jailbroken iPhone (similar to 'ye olde' diddlebug on PalmOS), and you could even adjust the thickness of the brush.
I will stop using the Treo as a phone in a few weeks, making a Nokia e51 my primary phone, and even though I love my Treo, an iPod touch equipped with PlecoDict and some classical music would be the ultimate character-learning-machine. At least for me.
Let's all hope the SDK will be good.
Go and get Pleco in any case.
Don't wait for a PlecoDict on the iPhone/iPod touch!
Buy a Tungsten T|x if you can afford it, or a Tungsten E2.
I am certain that if (or hopefully when) Pleco will run natively on the iPhone the cost for an upgrade won't be that high.
The licensing model currently applied, allowed a friend of mine to switch his PalmOS license for a PocketPC license.
Given that a "PlecoDict for iPhone" would have to be programmed almost from scratch, a small upgrade/transition fee would be something I would pay in a jiffy.
This app is a blessing for anyone studying chinese (in my case modern and classical chinese).
I attended BLCU last year to improve my chinese and Pleco made my life way easier.
I even got four fellow students to buy it.
They had a hard time returning their top-of-the-notch electronic dictionaries by Casio they had bought only four days ago in ZhongGuanCun. :|
@mikelove and the Pleco-Team
Thank you for your great work!
That's all I can say.