Preview of 1.0.1 for Pocket PC posted


Staff member
We've now posted a preview of PlecoDict 1.0.1 for Pocket PC to go along with yesterday's preview of 1.0.3 on Palm (though we're debating whether or not to call the new Pocket PC version 1.0.3 as well to make things easier on everyone). It's available for download here: (updated to point to the finished release, now numbered 1.0.3)

Just install the updated application inside of this file to your Pocket PC in place of the old one - the version number in the About box will be listed as 1.0.1p.

To be honest, we haven't found a whole lot of bugs in the 1.0 release on Pocket PC - most of the problems people have reported have turned out to be installation-related issues, and unfortunately there's not much we can do about those until the big installation overhaul we're working on for Pleco 2.0 (though we are working on a more detailed walkthrough of the "manual install" procedure for the revised instruction manual, which we'll now be recommending to anyone installing on a WM5 system with < 64 MB of built-in storage memory). This release does fix a couple of rare crashing bugs, though, and also addresses a few issues with the demo version (keyfiles will now be deleted even if they're read-only, and the demo version will choose the PlecoDemo font over fonts installed by CE-Star or Monster Chinese the upshot of which is that English letters should now display correctly in the Input Field in the demo version), so it's worth upgrading.

Regrettably, we've been unable to fix the issue with ActiveSync not being able to back up PlecoDict's flashcard / User DB files when it's set to synchronize the My Documents folder - ActiveSync seems unwilling to back up any file that another application is using, so about all we can do about this is advise you to exit PlecoDict completely (using the Quit command in the Dict menu) before you ActiveSync if you want the My Documents backup to include the PlecoDict files.

Anyway, we're still hunting down one or two more issues but the finished 1.0.1 (or 1.0.3) should hopefully be available towards the end of next week along with (at long last!) our revamped website.


It's downloading now and I'm going to be foolish enough to install it pretty soon. And I like the idea of synchronizing the version numbers. It's actually quite helpful to those of us who install and uninstall programs daily.

Also, to return to an old subject (user dictionaries): for the first time since I went through a series of hard resets at the beginning of Aught Six, a few days ago, I pull up PD and, hello, I have three user DBs. Weirdest of all, I have been avoiding adding any definitions to my user DB because the last got so corrupted, it became completely unusable.

Ah, but there's more.

The next time I soft reset, which I do a lot because I'm now running CE-Star, I had no user dictionaries and only three of the five(?) six(?) Chinese dictionaries I had been using in PD for months. Forgot to check whether I lost any English to Chinese dictionaries.

There must be something weird specific to my Axim x51v that doesn't happen on any other PPC. Or maybe it's my personal vibes since it happened on my x50v too.

So far, nothing else is affected and flashcards work beautifully.



Staff member
We actually got a few reports of problems similar to these over the weekend, and I'm debating whether we should hold off on releasing the Pocket PC update for another week or two to give us a little more time to go through everything again. (so we'd roll out the Palm update and the website changes probably this week but release the Pocket PC update in early March) These aren't new bugs in 1.0.1, they're bugs in 1.0 that we still don't seem to have fixed (or are specific OS/hardware issues that we haven't worked around yet).

When you say that the dictionaries disappeared, are the files missing too (in File Explorer) or have the databases just stopped loading in PlecoDict? I don't suppose that soft resetting your Pocket PC (ideally with CE-Star temporarily uninstalled or turned off) helps matters at all?


with respect to delaying the update date dated the date you previously dated, I don't know what to tell you. I now have my three user dicts back as well as the three prefab dictionaries. No. it appears I have four of my prefab dictionaries back.

The user dbs puzzle me the most. I haven't queried for a user-created definition nor added one since my last hard reset in early to mid-January. I don't recall even opening up the user db because it was so corrupted. So, why, all of a sudden, do I have three?

And, no, soft resets don't make a bit of difference.



OK. Is it me or is it Memorex? Every time I download the link in the first post of this thread, I get a 136K file. That can't be right. Is it?



Staff member
136K is correct - it's a compressed .zip archive, open it up and copy the .exe inside of it to your Pocket PC. (.exes shrink dramatically when you compress them)

As for the duplicate user dictionaries, PlecoDict creates a new user dictionary on startup whenever it can't open an existing one, so the most likely explanation for this is that for some reason PlecoDict occasionally can't access your old user dictionary. Are you still storing it on an SD/CF card? If so, this might be related to the reason why your prefab dictionaries are disappearing - if your card is working intermittently (something that can very easily happen given the flakiness of WinCE's storage card drivers) that could potentially explain both of these errors.