Selecting sentences from dictionary



I love the PLC dict's feature that includes sentences with word definitions. However, at some point, I lost the ability to select the text in those dictionary definitions to create custom sentence cards. Can anyone advise on how I can regain this feature?



Staff member
There's never been a seamless way to do that, but if you tap-hold on the sentence to select a word you can then drag the handles around to select the whole sentence and tap on the "Copy" button to copy it to the pasteboard (from which you can then paste it into a custom dictionary entry)/
perhaps this is what you are referring to:

1. select menu button (bottom right of screen, looks like a wifi symbol)
2. select settings (rightmost menu icon)
3. select dictionary (if you don't see dictionary, you may be in another screen, press top left button repeatedly to get to main settings page)
4. select "entry commands"
5. select "copy to pasteboard"

this will allow you to copy dictionary definitions with just one press of a button...