2.0.2 Beta 5(b) Released

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Staff member
A slightly-updated version of the fifth, and probably final, official test release for Pleco 2.0.2 is available here:


Two minor but oft-requested new features in this release, plus a couple of minor bug fixes and one potentially major bug fix on Windows Mobile. The (a) update was to fix a couple of additional bugs two of which we considered serious enough to need to make sure we'd resolved before the final 2.0.2 release, and the (b) update fixed one additional info with dictionary switching in the Char Info Compounds screen.

Please back up your flashcards and user dictionaries before trying out this beta - it seems pretty stable but we don't want anyone losing their data, and on Windows Mobile at least there have once again been a couple of significant changes to the database system that could cause file corruption issues if they turn out to be buggy. See backup instructions here for Windows Mobile or here for Palm OS.

To update on Palm, just install the updated application file to your handheld and it'll replace the regular 2.0.1 one. On Windows Mobile, exit Pleco completely with the Quit command in the Dict menu, then connect your handheld to your desktop, go into its memory through My Computer and copy the updated Pleco application file into your \\Program Files\Pleco folder (My Computer, Mobile Device, My Windows Mobile-Based Device, Program Files, Pleco on XP, or on Vista, My Computer, (your handheld's name), /, Program Files, Pleco), replacing the version that's already there. Copy the file from the "wm2003" folder if your handheld is running Windows Mobile 2003, or the "wm5" folder if your handheld is running Windows Mobile 5 or 6.


-- changed the Char Info Compounds dict switch button so that it now affects both lists of words in the same way - all entries on the screen will be from the selected dictionary, and any dictionaries without any "starting" matches will be skipped over entirely


-- rearranged the char info compounds screen on WM a bit so that it'll show 3 full lines of text in each list even on a square-screen device
-- fixed a bug that caused the keyboard focus on the char info compounds screen on WM to fail to switch to the last selected list, making it harder to scroll through each list with hardware scroll buttons
-- fixed a bug on WM that prevented the Undo command in fullscreen handwriting recognition from resetting correctly when Undo'ing all the way back to where no strokes are visible
-- fixed a bug on Palm that caused the 1.0 / finger-driven input screens' keyboards to not copy text to and from to the Input Field correctly


-- added a "Filter radical results by character set" option to the Input panel of Preferences; enable this to have radical table searches for simplified- or traitional-specific radicals only match characters from the same character set (so the simplified-character speech radical will only give you characters that contain that specific radical and not its traditional-character equivalent)
-- added a dictionary switch button to the character info Compounds screen

-- fixed a *significant* memory leak in flashcard / user dictionary databases on Windows Mobile - each leak wouldn't amount to much, just 40 or 50 bytes, but it could potentially occur once for every card reviewed during a flashcard session, so over long periods of use it could accumulate to a significant amount of wasted memory; could also occur once per card during some batch operations, so there'd be the potential for rapid memory leakage there, and once whenever moving a flashcard to a different category (or changing some other card property) as well
-- fixed an obscure bug in SQLite on Windows Mobile which could cause an incorrect set of cards to come up when starting a new session under very specific circumstances
-- fixed a bug which caused full-text C-E searches of 3 or more characters in length to occasionally skip results, mainly in entries containing lots of characters with ambiguous simplified-to-traditional mappings
-- fixed a bug on Palm OS that could cause some strokes entered in handwriting input to disappear / not register correctly (particularly when drawn very fast or with something going on in the background)
-- updated the finger-friendly handwriting input screen on Palm to always capture SC / TC / Rare, rather than going by whatever the checkboxes were set to when the screen was last opened in 2.0 mode
-- fixed a bug in both that and the 1.0-style screen which was causing the input field to be cleared whenever you exited by tapping on the Done button
-- fixed a bug which caused an as-yet-unreleased C-E dictionary to be missing the definition portion of dictionary entries in the Entry List
-- fixed a bug on WM which caused the counter for stroke playback in flashcard stroke order tests to be off by 1


-- added a new feature for toneless Pinyin searches of the ABC dictionary: if (and only if) the "match Pinyin exactly" option is enabled in the Query panel of Preferences, when doing a toneless Pinyin (Pinyin-only, not mixed pinyin/characters) search of the ABC dictionary, the results will automatically jump to the entry with an asterisk * next to it, which in ABC indicates that it's the most common entry with this particular Pinyin (without regard to tones) - not a full-fledged frequency sort, but something that might be helpful when you hear a word, don't catch its tones and there's more than one word listed with that Pinyin.
-- added a new input screen layout option, on Palm OS only, designed to make handwriting input more usable for early Palm Pre adopters (assuming the Palm Pre does in fact turn out to be able to run Pleco, in which case there'll likely be excited posts on PlecoForums to that effect within a day or two of the Pre's release). Basically it rearranges the handwriting dialog to have a giant character input box and a couple of extra-large character choices beside it. It also automatically uses the "Instant" recognition option, so characters are recognized after every stroke (no need to tap Recognize). It's enabled via a new "Input Screen Style" option in the Input panel of Preferences, replacing the checkbox for 1.0-style input. There's no Input Field in this dialog, it's one-character-at-a-time as in 1.0, so you'll likely want to assign a hardware button to launch the Input screen in Preferences so that you can get back to it quickly for multi-character entry.
The physical dimensions of the box on the Pre screen would be approximately 1.35x1.35 inches, so just a tiny bit bigger than the built-in Chinese handwriting recognizer on iPhone; not ideal, but the best we can do without a more comprehensive redesign (something that used the full width / height of the screen and let you clear / exit / etc by pressing the buttons below it). That redesign, plus other enhancements like larger / more finger-friendly toolbar buttons and better D-pad support in a few of the screens that don't support it very well, are all things we'd certainly plan to do assuming the Pre does in fact turn out to be able to run Pleco, but until we make those changes you're probably going to need a stylus to access some of Pleco's features at least.
The resistive touchscreens on Treos and Tungstens don't tend to be particularly finger-friendly, so while you're welcome to try this out on your current Palm it's unlikely it will work very well. (Windows Mobile touchscreens seem to be similarly hostile to handwriting input, so since there aren't any capacitive-screen WM phones yet it didn't seem like as much of a priority to add this option on WM)

-- fixed a crashing bug involving interrupting audio on Palm
-- added an extra check to the main flashcards screen on Windows Mobile to try to prevent the "OK" button in the corner from turning into an "X" button
-- set the "Copy All" label in the Organize Flashcards screen on Palm to disappear / reappear when its associated button does
-- changed the "Organize Flashcards" screen on Palm to put "Uncategorized" on the top, again to deal with the problem of popup lists on Palm taking a very long time to scroll through
-- fixed a bug on Windows Mobile that could cause the insertion point in an editable text field to jump around when the field got to be long enough that it would contain a scrollbar
-- added a check to keep the char info and popup entry panels from opening at the same time on WM (which could happen in some rare cases when both were triggered by different Stylus Actions - the second action might process while the first screen was still preparing to load)
-- added the ability for the Windows Mobile installer to remotely exit a running copy of Pleco (before uninstalling). However, this required a change on the device side of things as well, and with earlier versions of Pleco the samne command will actually have the opposite effect (*launching* the software before uninstalling), so we're probably going to wait at least until 2.0.3 before enabling this function in the installer.
-- fixed a bug that caused spaces to be appended to the start of some ABC definitions (noticeable when separating parts of each entry with newlines)
-- reduced memory usage of audio playback on Windows Mobile just a bit more, hopefully it'll make a difference for some people
-- added an additional memory limiter to SQLite databases on Windows Mobile as well - this should keep Pleco's absolute worst-case memory requirements (800x480 display, every available database installed, lots of flashcards, user dictionaries, both sets of audio, etc) to somewhere in the 6 MB range; if you find this significantly slows things down, though, please let us know
-- added a check to the flashcard / user dictionary exporter to convert newlines to spaces when exporting in text format (since otherwise you'd end up with a garbled export file)
-- fixed a couple of obscure potential bugs in the flashcard profile setting storage / retrieval code, which in theory might have caused settings to become garbled / fail to save out correctly
-- updated the Windows Mobile preferences screen button press capture system to work correctly on Windows Mobile 6.5 (one of the few API changes Microsoft has actually told developers about so far)
-- fixed a bug that caused tone coloring in manage / organize flashcards list to be determined by the "Defn" rather than the "List" checkbox in preferences
-- fixed a bug that could cause many definitions in multi-choice tests to come up blank (particularly with an as-yet-unreleased dictionary)
-- fixed a bug that caused the flashcard import dialog to go blank / become unresponsive in the case of some errors instead of posting an error message


-- updated SQLite on Windows Mobile to the latest version, incorporating a number of bug fixes and probably also a modest improvement in startup speed
-- tweaked the SQLite filesystem code on Windows Mobile to completely lock down any databases that Pleco has open; this should significantly reduce the likelihood of files getting corrupted / otherwise screwed up, and will prevent you from accidentally moving / copying them while Pleco's still running in the background (a bad idea before but now one we're actually preventing)
-- reduced maximum memory consumption on Windows Mobile by around 20% by shrinking / optimizing a couple of caches - not a huge difference, but might make a difference in stability for some people; let us know if this causes a significant performance hit, though
-- updated the audio playback system in flashcards so that it *won't* interrupt a particular audio recording to play that same recording again; in other words, if you've got a card set to both play audio both when it's first shown ("Audio" as a "Show" field) and when it's revealed / answered ("audio in all cards" and "auto-play" options enabled), it won't interrupt that first audio play to play the same audio again, it'll simply continue playing the existing audio. (if you play the audio manually by tapping on the audio play button, however, it will interrupt playback in that case)
-- greatly improved the speed with which flashcard imports can be canceled on Windows Mobile; they should now pretty much always stop on the very next card once you tap "Yes" in the confirmation box, as opposed to continuing on for several dozen or even several hundred cards as they did previously
-- added three more score ranges to the flashcard statistics screen, so that it now evenly doubles all the way up to 204800
-- added 5-way direction pad support to the flashcard statistics screen on Palm
-- enabled the Character Info Compounds screen for automated resizing on Windows Mobile; lists will now expand to fit the available screen area
-- enabled the Organize Flashcards screen for automated resizing on Windows Mobile as well
-- tweaked the dictionary entry formatting code to support a new, as-yet-unreleased Pleco dictionary, so if you notice any of your existing dictionaries rendering oddly (missing or extra characters / spaces, etc) let us know
-- tweaked the GB/Big5 encoding conversion code to do a slightly better job with handling umlauts in Pinyin
-- made the "require filled" option apply to stroke order flashcard tests as well
-- tweaked the hardware button assignment screen so that "Clear All" changes to "Clear This" when a button is selected (making it easier to remove a button assignment from just one button), and fixed a bug that prevented Clear All from working correctly in some cases on Palm
-- changed the default category selector on Palm OS from a popup trigger to a button (since the lack of scrollbars in popup lists on Palm makes them very slow to page through) - now you simply select a category and tap "Default" to make it the default, or select the current default category and tap Default to change the default back to "Uncategorized"
-- tweaked the resizing code for the Input dialog on WM to reduce flicker / load time just a bit; did this in Manage Cards as well
-- added a new, even higher volume setting, "11", on Windows Mobile, to address complaints about volume being too soft even at 10 on some devices; this introduces some extra distortion / lowers quality a bit, however, so it should only be used if you really need it (or are a Spinal Tap fan), and to keep it from being chosen accidentally we've made it selectable only through the Preferences panel (and not through a popup list)

-- fixed a bug that prevented entries from being saved to the history list when switching dictionaries with the input field blank (no search)
-- reduced the maximum number of saved recent search queries from 100 to 50, in order to work around an issue on Winodws Mobile that limits the size of saved preferences data blocks to 4K; we'll eventually fix this bug in a more definitive way (and restore the larger maximum) but for right now this at least avoids the problem of queries not being saved / getting stuck on an old set.
-- reduced the font size for pinyin answer boxes in flashcard free-answer sessions by 1 point, in order to keep long syllables like "zhuang" from being cut off
-- fixed a bug (introduced in a previous 202 beta) that could cause crashes in a variety of situations when moving around / regrouping categories in the Manage Categories screen on Palm
-- greatly increased the intelligence of list rebuilding on the manage / organize cards screens after editing a card. Manage will now only perform a new search if the search query / sort field was potentially affected by the edit (it's not smart enough to distinguish between headword / pron / etc, but if you edit a card and you're searching for cards by category it won't do a whole search again), and organize now only searches again if you edited a card's categories through Card Info. Both screens also restore the previous list top / selection after performing those updates.
-- fixed a bug that caused blank rows to stay highlighted in Manage Cards on Windows Mobile after changing the search type but before searching again
-- added two more layers of checks to the entry list resize code to make it really really really (really!) difficult to accidentally resize the list to a size of zero
-- fixed a bug in the Manage Categories screen on Palm which caused the split / merge button to say "Merge" after opening a parent category even when the highlighted category did not have any children to merge
-- fixed a bug in the document reader that caused Unihan entries to come up as strings of unintelligible text instead of dictionary definitions; that same bug fix also allowed colored headword characters to show up correctly in the reader as they do in other screens
-- fixed a bug that caused an incorrect error message to appear when attempting to play multi-syllable audio in a demo version of Pleco


-- added a new "Organize Flashcards" screen, bringing back the move / copy-style flashcard management system from 1.0. The interface should be largely self-explanatory - choose categories to display in the two lists from the popup menus at the top of the screen, and move / copy cards between them with the appropriate buttons. New Card / Card Info / Delete Card buttons are included with the left list, along with a Remove from Category button which removes the selected card from that category (but doesn't delete it in general). "Copy All" copies all cards from the right list to the left list. (we didn't add a Move All due to lack of space, but it's very easy to go into Manage Categories and delete that category after you've copied all of the cards from it to another category)

Couple of 2.0-specific wrinkles to this: Move Up / Move Down are now supported for reordering entries in categories, but they don't apply in flashcard sessions yet (and only show up in Manage Cards in single-category searches), so they're not all that useful. We may be adding more powerful rearrangement commands at some point too (a Move button as in Manage Categories to quickly relocate a card to a different location in the list), so we'd strongly discourage you from spending a lot of time painstakingly rearranging your flashcard lists in a particular order at this point. Cards in child categories are *not* included when listing cards in a given category - including them would screw up the way we've implemented Move Up / Move Down, and it seems more logical this way anyway (particularly as we're contemplating switching to "Folders" and not letting categories be children of other categories in 2.1).

Also, the nature of the "Uncategorized" category means that you may see some seemingly-odd behavior when moving cards to and from that. Cards in Uncategorized can't be sorted, and if Uncategorized is on the right side of the screen, the "Copy All" command is effectively a "Move All" command, since putting a card into a category means it's no longer uncategorized. And when removing a card from the left-hand list with the Remove from Category button, if Uncategorized is on the right and the card due to that removal is no longer in any category, it'll be inserted at the bottom of Uncategorized.

-- fixed a bug that could cause all flashcards to be exported when exporting only a list of "uncategorized" flashcards
-- fixed a bug that caused entries arrived at by switching dictionaries without any text in the Input Field to fail to be saved to the back / forward history list


-- added support, both on Palm OS and on Windows Mobile, for interrupting audio in mid-playback; this means that if you hit the audio button (or advance to a new flashcard) while a word is in the process of playing, it'll be stopped and the new word will immediately begin playing
-- made a tweak to the user dictionary search algorithm that should greatly improve the speed and accuracy of user dictionary searches in the document reader
-- added a "Merge" button to the "Manage Categories" screen - this replaces "Split" when you select a category that has children, and instead of splitting a category into multiple children it combines all of those children into the parent category
-- added a "card time" option to the top fields settings in the Display panel of flashcard advanced settings, allowing you to see how long you've been looking at a particular card. The timer stops once the card has been fully revealed, so you can factor in how long you took to answer the card when scoring your answer from 1-6. (this may eventually be linked to an option to auto-advance / mark the card incorrect after a certain time, but for now it's just for your own informational purposes)
-- doubled the maximum number of categories a category can be split into, to 200 - if you want to go further than that we'd suggest splitting twice (i.e., split a category into 5 categories, then split each of those into 200)
-- restored the "1-char results for 1-char search" option to user dictionary searches, since it provides a considerable performance boost in them when enabled
-- enlarged the text in the System ID display field on Windows Mobile to make it easier to read, and added a button to copy the ID to the clipboard
-- added a preferences option (on the Results screen) to display results of *all* C-E searches in a list, even if there's only one result available
-- moved "match search length" to the Query screen of Preferences
-- full-text searches will now always display results in a list, even if there's only one result available
-- changed the default import definition source to "prefer file" instead of "prefer dicts", to match with the behavior in previous versions
-- made "instant" handwriting recognition the new default on Windows Mobile - performance-wise there's just no reason not to at this point

-- fixed a bug that prevented user dictionaries from being switched to / selected when performing searches containing multi-character wildcards
-- updated the clipboard conversion code on Palm OS to use the same Pinyin cleanup code that the rest of Pleco does, so text copied-and-pasted out of Pleco should now have Pinyin tone numbers in the correct locations
-- applied the same Pinyin-sanitizing improvements to clipboard copies on Palm OS (which use different string-handling code than most of the other parts of Pleco) that we've made recently in other areas, so Pinyin copied to the cilpboard should convert to tone numbers more reliably now on Palm
-- fixed a bug that could cause crashes when importing data from a text file with Chinese characters and nothing else in the Pinyin field / column
-- fixed a bug that caused cards that had never been reviewed to not be included in "not within" reviewed time filters
-- added a check to prevent cards from being duplicated in the review of incorrect cards at the end of a session (though if that's set to loop, they'll still show up once on each loop until you get them correct, just as now)
-- fixed a bug on Windows Mobile that prevented main-screen handwriting recognition from working correctly with the Entry List set to fullscreen mode
-- fixed a bug that prevented flashcard category deletions from also deleting their grandchild (children's children) categories in some cases
-- fixed a bug that caused crashes on Windows Mobile when deleting categories with grandchildren (even if those grandkids were deleted correctly)
-- fixed a bug that caused the "Back" command to skip the most recently-viewed entry when invoked with a search error ("no matches found," etc) visible
-- fixed a bug that caused headword characters to be tone-colored in flashcards even if the pronunciation was invisible when the "head / pron from dicts" option was enabled
-- fixed a bug that could cause crashes (or just very large slowdowns) when searching for invalid strings of Zhuyin characters (syllables that don't exist or that Pleco doesn't recognize)


-- made a tiny tweak to the font rendering code on Palm OS which had a MASSIVE impact on performance - it's literally an order of magnitude faster for long entries, 21st Century entries that used to take 10 or 20 seconds to load can now load in under 2.
-- enabled control resizing in the Input dialog on Windows Mobile, so the controls in there will now expand to fill the available space on portrait / landscape displays (as they already do on Palm)
-- also in the Windows Mobile input dialog, the "left-handed" setting now applies to the placement of the clear / backspace buttons next to the input field, so now those will appear on the left side in left-handed mode (making them easier to hit with a stylus)
-- on Windows Mobile, upgraded the handwriting "auto-enter" option to highlight the character it's just automatically entered, which means that the handwriting "instant" and auto-enter options can now be combined, allowing you to have the recognizer's best guess about a character appear in the Input Field after each stroke as you draw it. This only works in the Input dialog, however, not yet on the main screen.
-- added an optimization for single-character lookups in the document reader which uses the Unihan database (if installed) to choose the entry with the most common Pinyin if more than one entry is found (so no more 'd's for 'de', etc)
-- changed the default directory search paths on Palm to replace "/Program Files/Pleco" with just "/Pleco", to fit better with the directory layout for most Windows Mobile installations
-- made the definition scroll up / down button assignments in flashcards part of the default preferences set, both on Palm and WM
-- renamed the "Fwd/Return" button option in flashcard button actions to "Next/Return" - it actually already would advance you to the next card after answering the current one, but we hadn't labeled it to indicate that
-- added an experimental (let us know if it works / causes problems / puts your system in an infinite loop / etc) fix for the problem of fullscreen mode being disabled when turning a Windows Mobile PDA off and then on again with Pleco running in the foreground
-- relabeled "prompt for answer quality" as "show score buttons" in the scoring panel of flashcard advanced settings, and added a popup list to let you choose the button order - the former "show all" option has now been replaced by three new choices on that list (123456, 654321, and "alternating" for the 2.0.1 behavior of showing 654321 on correct answers and 123456 on incorrect ones)
-- added a "require filled" option to free-answer tests (Tests panel of advanced settings) (also applies in tone practice tests) - with this option enabled, free-answer tests will refuse to score your answer until all of the blanks on the current card are filled in, helpful if you find yourself accidentally tapping the answer button before you're done
-- added a new "head / pron from dictionary" checkbox to the Tests panel of advanced settings; this will cause self-scored (and review-only) cards to pull their headwords / pronunciations from the dictionary entry they link to, preserving (r)s and other bits which get stripped out when they're turned into flashscards
-- added a new "match search length" setting to the Results panel of Preferences - this lets you customize whether Pleco will prioritize search results which exactly match the length of the search query over longer results, e.g. with "进阶" matching a 4-character entry in ABC et al but a 2-character entry in CEDICT / HanDeDict. With this set to "Always", Pleco will always search all dictionaries for an exact length match before accepting a longer one; with "Never," it'll always accept a match in the current dictionary even if it's the longer than the search query; and with "Non-user only," it'll try to find an exact-length match in fixed / non-editable dictionaries, but will accept a longer match in user-created dictionaries (useful because user dictionaries often don't contain single-character entries for the first characters of multi-character words)
-- combined the "Always search in order" and "Search only in current dictionary" options into a single "Search Dictionaries" option - "From Current" is the default behavior, "From First" is equivalent to the old search-in-order and "Current Only" is the equivalent to search-only-in-current dictionary. The two options could never actually be combined (enabling always search in order would disable search only in current) so this just makes that clearer.
-- gave the language auto-detection setting its own menu, adding a new "Hanzi Only" option which automatically switches languages when you enter a search query with Chinese characters but doesn't do so otherwise.
-- shifted the underline on large Palm OS high-resolution fonts up by 1 pixel, to make it easier to see the bottoms of underlined letters
-- split some of the "Display" preferences panel settings into a separate "Fonts" panel on Windows Mobile,
-- added a new option in that "Fonts" panel to not magnify headwords that are greater than a certain length
-- added a new option in the display panel to add a newline between the headword / pronunciation / definition sections of each entry
-- added a check to strip tab characters from flashcard / user dictionary text definition exports
-- added an extra "reset statistics" item to the flashcard session score-change button popup menu; this not only clears a card's statistics, it also removes it from the pool of cards to study if you're using the new limit-unlearned feature, so it's a convenient way to skip cards in that
-- added support for creating bookmarks in clipboard / Send to Reader reader documents, though they won't be saved on exit
-- moved the "store imported defns" option in the Import screen to the "Dict Order" screen, and added a brand new "Definition Source" option - this lets you prioritize whether you want the importer to draw definitions from the file (File Only), dictionaries (Dicts Only), or both (Prefer File to use file definitions when both are available, Prefer Dicts to use dict ones)
-- added a check to strip newlines out of text in XML imports (they screw up the database in all sorts of ways and until we work around that we're removing them)
-- added a check to prevent <scoreinfo> records in imports from importing if their score was blank / set to 0
-- added an error message to the Char Info screen when the Unihan database isn't installed
-- added two new options to the audio file set option in the Misc panel of Preferences, "alt (m 1st)" and "alt (f 1st)" - with one of these options selected, the audio will *start* on the selected gender (male or female) for each new vocabulary word or flaschard, but will then flip to the other gender if you play audio again on the same card / vocabulary word
-- added internal support for allowing users to toggle whether they want headwords in example sentences to be preserved or replaced by ~s, though since we haven't coded up our database files for this yet we won't be adding a preferences setting for it until we do

-- fixed a bug that could cause the syllable 'nv' (with an umlaut) to be interpreted incorrectly if placed after another syllable that ended with a vowel but could end with an n (de/den, ma/man, etc)
-- fixed a bug that could cause pinyin where one syllable ended with 'n' and the next syllable began with 'g' to be converted incorrectly in copy-to-input and when importing from tone-marked (instead of numbered) pinyin text
-- fixed a bug that caused a crash on palm when attempting to open the reader with no document selected (or a blank list of documents)
-- fixed a bug that caused newly-imported cards to have their scores lowered when answered correctly with "scale first increase" selected in the scoring panel of advanced flashcard settings
-- fixed a bug which caused the statistics screen to double-count cards which appeared in multiple subcategories of given category when retrieving statistics for that category
-- fixed a bug with the highlight-calculating algorithm for full-text English searches which would sometimes cause it to highlight the start of another word beginning with the search term rather than highlighting the exact search term
-- fixed a bug that could cause "copy to input" to sometimes fail to look up an entry if that was the last entry you were viewing before backtracking to a previous entry
-- fixed a bug that made the popup definition screen on Palm always use a small font even when the main definition was set to display with a larger font - now both display with the same size, as on Windows Mobile
-- fixed a bug that on Palm that could cause text in edit fields to be duplicated after entering the Input screen with some characters already highlighted
-- fixed a small crashing bug when creating a custom flashcard with a traditional headword and no simplified one
-- fixed editing cards during sessions so that the cards' definitions will now be updated as soon as you return from the Edit Card screen (rather than waiting until the card is loading again)
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