Hi Michael: just a suggestion with regard to the web reader function. Presently, when you click on a word you cannot isolate specific characters. Pleco would automatically match the selected text with an entry in the dictionary. For instance, if you click on 总结一下 Pleco would look up the whole expression (as it is listed as 总结一下 in one of my dictionaries). But it would be far more useful to look up 总结 which has a much more complete entry. Unfortunatley, the web reader function does not let me select 总结.
a suggestion, for text being highlighted, eg. while being "spoken": the tone colors (if enabled) of the currently highlighted characters or words are not shown. it would be very helpful to (provide an option to) preserve the tone colors while highlighting. this is useful when memorizing characters + tones as these are being spoken. thanks, kind regardsShould be out now. Hopefully improves quality of life (especially for document reader users) while we continue pounding away on our next Great Big Update.
this to me is a real issue. i would like to be able to use the arrows to see the (pop up) definition of single characters (eg. when reading example phrases in the dictionary). presently you have to do a back-forward dance with both arrow types to achieve this. and that is tremendously cumbersome, especially for a novice like me who would like to look up many (or all) of the characters. how about adding a button/switch to enable/disable headword detection so that the arrows may traverse individual characters only? thanks, regardsActually you can do that using the arrows at the bottom of the screen, but admittedly it can be a bit cumbersome at times.