Basic Flashcard question from newbie


Hi, I downloaded the free Pleco to Ipod Touch 4g a week ago (and the demo of the Professional version), and have read through the instruction manual on how to use and add flashcards. But, The bottom of my screen never shows the + that would allow me to add. What should I do? Thanks


Yuta said:
Hi, I downloaded the free Pleco to Ipod Touch 4g a week ago (and the demo of the Professional version), and have read through the instruction manual on how to use and add flashcards. But, The bottom of my screen never shows the + that would allow me to add. What should I do? Thanks

Dear Yuta,
I believe the flashcard system is a paid add on. I don't know if it's possible to test it out in the free version (I never tried).


Thanks, John. You are right. I assumed otherwise because the manual I was reading said all the instructions were for free portions of the product. However, with a search now in version 2.2 that "The Pleco flaschard system is a paid add-on module".



Staff member
Yuta said:
Thanks, John. You are right. I assumed otherwise because the manual I was reading said all the instructions were for free portions of the product. However, with a search now in version 2.2 that "The Pleco flaschard system is a paid add-on module".

Yes, there's no demo yet unfortunately. But we've added one for the next big update, 2.3. And there's actually a makeshift feature you can use in the meantime that will let you save interesting words to a text file (which you can then export to another program / copy to your computer / etc); go into Settings / Dictionary / Entry Commands and turn on "Enable" under "Save to word list" and that will give you a + button to do that.