Beta 2 Released


Staff member
See sticky at the top of the forum for download link. Feel free to post any initial feedback in this thread. To install, delete all Beta 1 files from your Palm and then install these new Beta 2 ones.

Brief list of major changes/fixes:

* Performance improved significantly on Palm thanks to a new ARM-accelerated database engine and a new version of SQLite.
* Fonts made much much faster on Pocket PC, and anti-aliasing can now be configured in preferences.
* Flashcard import now actually works (both UTF-8 and GB/Big5, from PalmDoc on Palm and .txt on PPC)
* Hardware scroll buttons now work on Pocket PC.
* View Mode has been elimianted and default preferences now make a bit more sense.
* Search should now happen automatically without pressing the search button.
* Conflicts with 1.0 should be largely eliminated.
* Many crashing bugs fixed.
* Dictionary selector lists now work.
* Random audio speaker has been replaced by alternating male/female.
* Multi-syllable audio breakdown now works correctly on Palm.


Sweet. :D. I'm downloading now, and will have a play soon, provided that my University doesn't cut me off for downloading a 103 MB file....


Mike--this is ab solutely fine with me, but do you think that some users will want to keep any of the work they've done using beta 1? If there are such animals, maybe you could list for them what files they can keep, if there are any.



Staff member
The flashcards should actually still work on Beta 2, but since they're going to be made unusable in a later beta (probably Beta 3 and maybe again in an RC version) they're not necessarily something you want to get too attached too.


This is very cool. Things are working now on my TX that didn't work before:

- Character Info works. I've never seen it before, and didn't realize that along with the stroke order it tells what words use the character.
- Sound works for multiple syllables
- The layout for the search bar is much better.
- Performance is much better. I had to enter letters very slowly before so I wouldn't get ahead of the lookup. It is a lot faster now.

This is good enough that I may upgrade my girlfriend's PlecoDict soon. I've asked her to give me words to look up in the 21st Century Dictionary and I've found everything she asked for. It should be a big help for her.



Really great - this version. But I believe that people should really believe that it does not make too much sense to use the flashcards already ... I admire your patience concerning that ... I think I would freak out ... But I am not the one getting the money and also not the one unsatisfied with Flashcards in PD1



sorry I went to Shanghai for 2 weeks and I wouldn't take the risk of crashing my smartphone with no backup. I am thinking of installing beta2 now, can I safely assume that the successive betas and final will mainly involve re-installation of the core program, leaving the data / dict files unchanged?


Staff member
beirne - great! That's quite a compliment, we really didn't think we were anywhere close to share-with-other-people quality yet.

daniu - yeah, I think they've by and large gotten the message; part of why we still haven't implemented the simplified flashcard UI.

goulniky - actually no, the files are definitely going to change at least once more and may even change two or three times between now and the finished version, so if you're worried about download bandwidth it might be best to hold off on upgrading for a while.


PlecoDict.prc where?

Yesterday I downed and the readme talks about PlecoDict.prc, but I can't seem to locate it in the ZIP archive. Anybody in the know on this? TNX!


That'd be because it was renamed to "Pleco Engine.PRC". Looks like someone forgot to update the readme. They're the same file, it's just that they need different names to avoid conflicts with 1.3 on Palm (and PPC?).


Re: Beta 2 Released -> now what

TNX ipsi!

Installed the version 2 beta and did the keyfile unlock. Admittedly, now I feel a bit limited as to what I can do with it... oh sure, testing but:

As was to be expected, the free and third-party dictionaries like HanDeDict or LDC do not work.
(Will LDC come back for version 2?)

Next, the dictionaries are pretty crippled as to what number of entries they can display. OK, no problem, I want to buy as soon as possible. Went to as well as into My Orders but I can't see to see how to buy version 2 and the 21st Century dictionary?

I understand it's all in the works, same time I've had high hopes while copying the 35 mb data for 21cn.pdb over to my Palm...

Besides, even if version 1 and version 2 have different application names, I am not sure if they can be run side-by-side. Because some other files have the same names in v1 and v2, namely font48.pdb, b5/gb.pdb, and also the handwriting recognition stuff. But I rather hope it will be possible to buy v2 and 21cn.pdb soon...


They're already available. Check one of the stickied threads on here for information. They can't be found on the 'My Orders' page because Mike wants to keep all Beta stuff to this forum, so there's a seperate page for it.

Also, you can run both side-by-side. Just copy the Pleco 1 files to a folder name /PALM/Programs/PlecoDict/, and do some other stuff. Maybe hunt through the Beta 2/1 Bug Reports Thread? It does work, and the information is out there. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I need to be going somewhere, and I'm currently using my Treo.

I'll check back later and post something more helpful.


Ok, now that I have access to tabbed browsing, for the 21st Century Information, go here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1083

For information on making Pleco 1.3 and 2.0 work on the same device, go here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1082&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=45

Hopefully that should help get your problems sorted. Oh, and you may need to use FileZ to change the CreatorID of the Pleco Engine file if you're using a Palm, as otherwise it will be the same as Pleco 1.3 and thus you will only be able to see one at a time.


Hello ipsi, thank you for going out of your way, all this has been very helpful!

When using one of the links you had provided I ended up on a MyOrders page where (first time ever, maybe my previous oversight) I saw at the bottom the links to purchase the new dictionaries. Which I did right away!

Again, thank you so much! -Martin


Not a problem. I'm constantly attached to the internet anyway. I'm writing this post as I walk down the road :).

Did you manage to get Pleco 1.3 and Beta 2 working at the same time? If not, I'll write something up and post it as a new topic, maybe ask Mike to sticky it.


ipsi said:
Not a problem. I'm constantly attached to the internet anyway. I'm writing this post as I walk down the road :).

Did you manage to get Pleco 1.3 and Beta 2 working at the same time? If not, I'll write something up and post it as a new topic, maybe ask Mike to sticky it.

TNX very much! I have no need. I want v2 since I need the 21st Century dictionary.
(I'll miss the German HanDeDict, though, but it's anyways been only one direction for v1 ;-)