bought a treo 680! what now?


I have been a pleco user since september on my samsung sghi718 (windows mobile). I was stolen in january and i have just bought a palm treo680 in beijing. This is probably a simple question but i cannot find the answer on the site, maybe because the knowledge base is down and this information is not on my orders page. How do i go about installing pleco on my palm when my original purchase and license was for the pocket pc version.

Thanks for your help, Martin


Email Mike and tell him you'd like to switch your license from PPC to Palm.

Then download the Palm installer from the downloads page, and away you go :).


Staff member
Yep, just download and install the demo version on your Palm, run it, tap on the "Ordering" button in the demo version warning message that comes up and send me your Device ID and HotSync Username from that screen and we'll switch your account over to the Palm version.