Bug - buttons at top of screen are missing in split screen


A video is worth 1 million words. Just take a look at the buttons at the top of the Pleco panel. I’m expecting to have the cross button there to add a card. Until I fiddle with the split screen.



Staff member
@dightonjw Sorry, do you remember what you were doing before this happened? We haven't had any luck reproducing it so far. Had you maybe switched Pleco into Split View mode recently, or resized it, or launched it initially into Split View mode, or gone in the background and rotated the screen and reopened, or switched from another tab, or anything like that?


@dightonjw Sorry, do you remember what you were doing before this happened? We haven't had any luck reproducing it so far. Had you maybe switched Pleco into Split View mode recently, or resized it, or launched it initially into Split View mode, or gone in the background and rotated the screen and reopened, or switched from another tab, or anything like that?
Really sorry but now I don’t remember. I just spent a few minutes trying to replicate it and it doesn’t seem to want to happen.
Best I can say is that I will pay close attention to it over the next couple of days and try to catch it if it happens.