

Hi Mike,

Just wanted to express my congratulations on this significant milestone in Pleco's development. I'm really enjoying the reverse lookup, stroke order diagrams, and Tuttle Dictionary. The new dictionaries have provided further incentive for me to start learning my characters as I'd really like to take advantage of the Chinese Character only dictionaries. Looking forward to future releases and updates!

Many Thanks!



Congratulations. The new site intro page makes me want to go out and get a Windows Mobile device! It looks great.

Anyway, thanks for supporting the Palm. I buying a new digitizer when I'm back in the states for Thanksgiving! Looking forward to the iPhone/iPod touch version though ! :)


Mike and team, congratulations. It's been a marathon for you guys but the finished product is just fantastic.

Pleco 1 was already an excellent and completely indispensable product for me, and 2 - even when it was in the beta stages - is a 翻天覆地的 ("earth-shaking") improvement. I'm especially enjoying the algorithm-based flashcards - not having to manually tweak the repetition grades all the time, and having the cards automatically adjust according to difficulty saves me a lot of time and bother studying my vocabulary. The flexibility of the new flashcards database is incredible. Stroke-order diagrams and real human voices also top my list of favorite new features. The Tuttle dictionary is great, too.

It has been a privilege to participate in the beta program and enjoy all these features months in advance, and submitting problem reports and suggestions was a small price to pay. Congratulations again, and thank you!

- Daniel.

While work on a project like this may never be completed, you and the team have accomplished an awesome milestone. I feel extremely privileged to have been allowed a voice on the development of an application I use in my everyday life. While there may be other companies out there trying to develop a Chinese language tool for non-native speakers of the language, none have done so in such a useful fashion as Pleco Dict. By listening to the feedback of your customers and providing the ever useful features that the community of Chinese language learners has requested, Pleco has done what no other maker of Chinese language tools for the mobile device has done, create and indispensable product that automatically gives the advantage to those using it. Once again, thank you for listening to your customers and incorporating us into the team, we know that the missed deadlines would never have happened if we had not asked for so much.



Staff member
Thanks, everyone! There's no way we could have pulled this off without all of your help - not only on the debugging end but in prodding us to add the sorts of little tweaks / new features that play such a big part in making Pleco what it is.

Alexis - yeah, Chinese-only dictionaries are great; personally even if they weren't any more accurate I'd like them just because they take away the need to keep switching your brain between Chinese and English mode, you can do your thinking entirely in Chinese.

radioman - looking forward to the iPhone version on this end too, hopefully among other things it'll be our first step towards making our software a lot more accessible for everyone.

sych - yeah, it has been quite a long ride... glad you're finding the new features useful, particularly the flashcards which we spent such an enormous amount of time designing / rewriting.

hairyleprechaun - thanks! We were happy to have your input; we're already getting e-mails praising 2.0 specifically for things that we added thanks to feedback people posted here. And the work may never be done but after this particular 30-month odyssey we're definitely going to be breaking it up into smaller-sized pieces... :)