Couple of questions about flashcards


Hi everyone,
I have a couple of questions about the flashcard system:
-I have been using the Simple profile so far but I want to start using the Space Repetition System too. I wanted to know if it can be configured so I will be asked during the same session the flashcards I don't remember until I get them right (something like Anki system).
-Is there any way in "Organize Cards" section to sort flashcards in different ways? (date, alphabetically, score...). I've been trying to do it, but haven't be able to... :oops:


Staff member
At the moment, it can only be configured to re-test you on incorrect cards at the end of a test, but a beta version that allows for mid-test repetitions should be out next week :)

As for Organize, there's no way to sort them in a different order in that screen but if you tap on the magnifying glass icon at the top right corner of the screen you can do a custom search for cards in whatever order you want.